Meeting His Parents

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I was in my cabin working rechecking the work of others when Eunwoo entered.

Eunwoo: Good morning Y/n.

Y/n: Good morning morning............are you here to hand in your draft.

Eunwoo: No I wanted to talk to you.

Y/n: But Eunwoo......

Eunwoo: I just wanted to apologize for yesterday.(He said cutting in between)

Y/n: For what.

Eunwoo: I tried to force you to have everyday meals with me...............I'm really sorry.

Y/n:'s okay.............I guess.

Eunwoo: Look Y/n...............I really take you as my friend and I couldn't bear it when you ignore me so I lost my control yesterday.

Y/n: But why do you think like that...............I also consider you as my friend.

Eunwoo: Really............and also I promise you that I won't force you to eat together with me. I just want to be our conversation be friendly and cheerful whenever we face each other.

Y/n: I also feel that..............I was trying to explain you this only.

Eunwoo: And I understood.................thanks to you.

Y/n: No problem.

Eunwoo: Okay so..............everything is fine between us now..............right.

Y/n: Yeah.

Eunwoo: Okay then I'll get going................see you later.

Y/n: See ya.

(After that he left)

"Just wait till I impress you Y/n. You'll blindly trust me and then I'll make you mine. Just wait for a little"

(Time skip to evening)

I was so exhausted and just wanted to go home so I quickly started my car and drove to my apartment. After reaching I took a relaxing shower and had dinner with Kriti. When I was about to sleep I got Jungkook's call.

"Heyy cutie",

"Hii Kookie...............why did you call at this time",

"Well............I wanted to ask you something",

"What is it",

"Would you like to meet my parents?" He asked hesitating a bit,

"I would love to but why so sudden",

"I just thought that I love you soo much and I never wanna lose you soo......",

"I know that but what's wrong with sound a bit tensed",

"It's just that..............I don't feel good, I feel like something is wrong and I just wanna introduce you to my parents so that our relationship becomes more stong",

"But why are you so tensed..................everything is fine",

"But I just want you to meet my parents",

"Okay I am ready",

" agreed",

"Yes.........why will I deny. But wait............your parents must be in Busan right. So how will I meet them",

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