Song For Her

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Jungkook POV:

In all these years I and all members were as usual releasing songs and after some time BangPD told us to write a solo song for each one of us. Now it was my turn for my solo song.............I was sitting in my studio thinking about the lyrics of the song. I had decided that I will put all my feelings about Y/n in this song..................then I started writing and this was my creation-

"Just Realise,

All my love.

do you know the pain inside,

All the promise you make

me alive,

All you lies,

All your words,

quit playing games with me tonight,

All I want you is here by my side,

do you remember the things we had

love all night,

All the promise you make

me alive,

All your lies,

All your words,

playing games with me tonight,

All the promise you makes

me alive"

I named this song"Do You Know"

(A/n: The lyrics are not mine. But if you like the lyrics you can listen to this. The songs are just so good. I recommend you to listen to it)

I was done with the song and then I sang it to all my hyungs and they were amazed. I made the MV of the song myself. I went to the places I and Y/n used to go and captured them in my camera, edited it and then I posted it.

A/n POV:

As soon as Jungkook uploaded the song the views increased. It got 72 million views in just 1 hour and it became a hit. Jungkook was called for the interview and he himself told that this song is for his Y/n. He made this song in which he put all the feelings he felt towards Y/n.

Jungkook POV:

As soon as I uploaded the song, the third day I was called for interview and I revealed it that this song is for Y/n.............I was asked so many questions and I answered it honestly. After I was done with the interview I had the concert after 1 week.

Y/n POV:

I was done with my work and just returned to the dorm then I saw Kriti's text. I opened it and it was a song...........sung by Jungkook. I listened to the song and cried badly. I never knew that he misses me so much till now. I also of course miss him but................I never knew that he also misses me.

After that I listened to his interview and Jungkook said in the interview that he misses me and made this for me. I just can't control myself now and burst into tears and cried all night. I loved his song and listened to it many times. No I think that I regret leaving him..............I regret it so much. And even the MV was of the places we went and had fun. By seeing this all the lovely time spend with Jungkook came infront of my eyes and I just wanted to go to him and hug him tight and cry my heart out in his embrace.

Then I came to know that he will be doing concert of this song in Korea so I decided to go there. In these 2 years I never returned back to Korea and never attended BTS concerts. But I decided to go this time...............I will just attend the concert and come back. I will not meet Jungkook...............what if he is angry with me because I left him alone in his difficult times. But I was glad that he didn't leave the group even if I had to leave him. Many thoughts came into my mind but I shrugged it off.

A/n POV:

Armies all over the world listened to Jungkook's song and got emotional. The popularity of this increased day by day and all the fans of Jungkook were amazed by Jungkook's emotions. And by this song fans realised that they did wrong with Jungkook..............they realised that how much Jungkook loves Y/n. And then they started apologizing by writing sorry messages to Jungkook and Y/n. The hashtag "#sorryjungkookandy/n" became a trend on many social sites and this continued for many days.

Jungkook POV:

I was lying on the couch then many notifications came from my phone. I opened it and saw many sorry notes..........but why are these for. When I read it thoroughly then I realized that all were telling me to get back to Y/n. But why............they were the ones spreading hate and then they themselves are telling me to get back to her. But this is not possible now.........I don't even know where she lives. I politely refused the comments of the fans.

Y/n POV:

I was doing my comic work when many notifications came from my phone and I saw they were on my insta account and also many posts from weverse telling me and Jungkook to get together. But I can't is this possible, I left him and now I can never face him because I was the one who left him.

I booked my flight to Korea in the morning and then packed my things.

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