Getting My Dream Job

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I woke up from my sleep and I was having a bad headache, so I woke up holding by head when Kriti rushed to me.

Kriti: Did you have a good sleep.

Y/n: Yeah...........just I have a headache.

Kriti: It's because you were stressed for many days. Come I'll give you a massage.

Y/n: Thanks're the best.

She started massaging my head and I felt so relieved.

Kriti: Y/n?

Y/n: Yes....

Kriti: Did Jungkook oppa comfort you while you were crying.

Y/n: Ah........yes when I was crying yesterday in the park he came to me and comforted me.

Kriti: Aww..........he is much more sweeter in real life.

Y/n: Yeah I know.

Kriti: And by the way look at your eyes, these are completely swollen............come I'll treat them.(She brought a cool compress and a cold teabag and started treating me. She put on cold compress and after sometime she put small teabags on both my eyes and said). Now lie down for sometime, they will heal your eyes.

Y/n: Waah..................I feel so relaxed.

Kriti: And talk to oppa about it or he will be worried.

Y/n: No Kriti I shouldn't disturb him, I already troubled him when he came to park searching for me. I know they have busy schedules so I don't disturb him.

Kriti: But he is your friend so he should spare time for you.

Y/n: I know and he does..................he is amazing..........even after busy schedules he calls me atleast once eveyday. So it's my duty to care about him also. They don't get enough sleep because of their schedules that's why I want him to rest properly. When he will be free and call me I will tell him. Till then I also have many works. I have to make comics with my own stories.

Kriti: Okay but first rest for sometime only after that.

Y/n: Okay then after two hours I'll leave for university.

Kriti: Fine........then I'll go get ready I have to go to university.

(Kriti made breakfast and left for university)

After resting for sometime I also got ready and left for university.

Jungkook POV:

I was concerned about Y/n.....she looked so weak, I wanted to call her but we were busy practicing our new song so I couldn't call her. Hope she will be fine..........anyways, I will call her later and ask . I continued our practice.


I tried to make something new for my comic so first I worked on my story, I made five different types of comics with different story lines and that was my own creation. It took a whole month to do all these, it could have taken long but I soon wanted a job and prove it to my mother.

I brought my creations to many companies and waited for the selection.

(After a week)

I was very tensed that I will get job in any company or not. Although I had faith in Jungkook's idea but still I had doubt on my capabilities. The results were coming today, fingers crossed.............and I checked my email.

And to my surprise I had got offers of three companies. I went to five companies and out of that three companies accepted me. Eeeekkkkkk!!! I was soo happy. I went to Kriti and gave her good news, she was also very happy for me. Now I wanted to tell Jungkook so I waited for his call.............................and he finally called me.

"Hey Y/n how are you",

"I'm was your practice", I said cheerfully

"I am soo tired",

"Then eat something and go to sleep",

"I will but after talking to you............and by the way you sound so happy. What's the reason?",

"You know your idea worked Jungkook, I got offer from three companies", I said smiling

"Woah.........I suggested you and you got the job only in one month............amazing",

"I learnt this from you only. Once you said that if you don't work hard now, you'll regret it later. So I just followed you",

"I'm so proud of you Y/n...........fighting",He said cheerfully

"Hmm now you should eat and get some sleep",

"Why so early..............we haven't had a talk properly",

"But I know you're tired",

"I'll manage Y/n",

"You don't have to manage always, I don't want you to get go",

"Y/n.......pweeeese",He said whining

(Aww........he's soo cuteee!!!! No............control Y/n)

"No please........I have to care about your health too, listen to good. Go now",

"Okay fine, bye Y/nieee",

"Bye Jungkook......good night and sleep tight",

"You too......good night"

I hung up and went to my laptop and analysed those three companies properly and applied for the best one.

TO BE CONTINUED...................

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