Chapter 2

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The internet speed is fast, but there is still no introduction of the Tang Qu he knows on the interface.

Tang Qu's hand rested on the keyboard, did he not even have the right to exist?

The whitened knuckles showed Tang Qu's restless heart.

After being dazed for a few seconds, Tang Qu suddenly felt a tingling pain in his head.

Many messy memories that did not belong to him flooded into his mind.

Tang Qu seemed to have watched a micro movie.

A little boy living in an orphanage, about four or five years old, sat under a tree and played by himself.

"Xiao Qu!" A soft female voice broke this seemingly still picture.

The woman had a gentle appearance, her beautiful long hair was coiled into a gentle bun, and she walked gracefully to the boy.

Tang Qu saw the boy's fingers move slightly, and subconsciously resisted, but the boy still didn't move, and obeyed the woman instead.

The woman looked at the person beside her: "Dean, can I take him away today?"

The man known as the dean nodded.

The scene changed, and the little boy in the picture seemed to be thirteen or fourteen years old. There is another boy behind him, who is about the same age as him.

It was the same woman: "Tang Qu, give way to your younger brother, don't grab things with him." That woman was also gentle, but she changed her target to the little boy.

Tang Qu watched as the toy was snatched from the little boy's hand.

The scene changed, little Tang Qu grew up and went to university. Tang Qu received living expenses during his freshman year. During his sophomore year, the woman told him that he had grown up and was responsible for his own life.

The memory probably ends here.

I was really reborn into a poor little body.

Probably a couple adopted him, but not long after the adoption, the couple had a child, and then he, who was not his own, was excluded. Although this is human nature, this couple is too much.

But Tang Qu is still a little strange, this body is still a sophomore student, how could he commit suicide?

With a flash of inspiration, Tang Qu looked down at the screen of his notebook. Although there was no actor Tang Qu on it, there was a Tang Qu covered in black material.

Tang Qu clicked on the message, and the title of the article was capitalized and bolded: [Newcomers are chasing the popularity of the top actor, get out of the entertainment circle! 】

The whole article is talking about Tang Qu's imitation of the actor's acting skills, openly chasing the actor's popularity.

For this kind of marketing article, Tang Qu is very familiar with it. Could it be that Yuan himself is also an actor?

Tang Qu searched, and finally sorted out useful information after patching together.

Originally a sophomore at the Film Academy, he starred in a short film for his final assignment. It was not a splash at first, but after some publicity, the short film became a hit, and as the leading actor, he was also well received. Some attention should have been a happy thing, but it was precisely because of this that Tang Qu was pushed into the abyss.

Tang Qu watched this short film once, and he frowned after watching it. The actor's performance in this play is remarkable. As a sophomore, it is already very good to have such a level, but As an actor who has been famous for a long time, Tang Qu saw the problem at a glance. He was imitating others.

The most taboo thing in the showbiz is to imitate others, and it is not good for one's own development. It is not surprising to have similar performance habits, but Tang Qu's performance in the short film is by no means similar but imitated.

Tang Qu frowned. Although he also hated this kind of imitation, a student is not a real actor, so he doesn't have to be too strict. Why did Tang Qu attract so much disgust?

Soon Tang Qu found the key person amidst the scolding: Guan Yan!

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