Chapter 20 Hello, Tang Qu

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"Xiao Qu." Tang Qu originally wanted to see who the person standing next to the camera was, but that person never took off his mask. And Zhang Yong also came to call him, so Tang Qu had no choice but to leave first.

When Tang Qu left, the man who was listening to Director Chen and Yu Ting looked up in the direction Tang Qu left.

Yu Ting noticed the man's gaze and glanced at his mouth: "Little uncle, I asked you to guide me, why do you look at other people! I'm not happy!"

Director Chen immediately put down the walkie-talkie in his hand: "Xiao Tingzi, where did you learn the green tea tone?"

Yu Ting tidied up his sleeves: "I'm sorry, I'm self-taught."

Chen Ke shook her head: "You, the family is too spoiled with you."

"Hmph, I have my little uncle's love, so you should be envious."

It wasn't until Tang Qu left that the man looked back. Looking at Yu Ting: "Don't play tricks on Director Chen."

Yu Ting stuck out her tongue, "Got it."

Director Chen nodded in agreement.

However, the man's words almost made Director Chen vomit blood, only to hear the man add: "Old people don't understand the logic of young people."

Director Chen told the truth: "Guan Yan, tell me clearly! What does it mean to be old? I just turned 30 this year, which is exactly the age of a man!"

Guan Yan took a look at Director Chen: "Tomorrow will be a waste of time?"

Director Chen: "..."

Yu Ting: "..." This talk is about his little uncle.

"Guan Yan, get out of my crew right now!"

"No." The thin lips opened and closed and said two words, and then sat in Director Chen's seat: "Call out the picture just now."

Chen Dao was very angry, but he still turned on the playback.

Yu Ting watched from the sidelines and laughed. His little uncle and director Chen are five years apart, and the little uncle has never filmed director Chen's scenes, but for some reason, the relationship between the two is so good that they hurt each other when they meet. non-stop.

Don't doubt, the relationship between the two of them is good, because his little uncle would not speak respectfully to ordinary people, let alone ridicule.

When Director Chen showed the picture to Guan Yan, he was very proud: "Let me tell you, Guan Yan, you are lucky. This one is the one I am most satisfied with recently."

Yu Ting was also quite curious, and moved forward.

He was the first to appear in the screen, and Yu Ting was a little shy at first. After all, he was still a little shy when he let his little uncle watch his play, but when he saw Guan Yan's eyes that hadn't changed, he regained his composure. Uncle has seen so many people's plays, so he probably won't pay attention to anyone, so he doesn't need to be nervous.

Tang Qu appeared next. As soon as Tang Qu appeared on the stage, he immediately caught everyone's attention. The current picture has not been edited, but the Tang Qu in the picture has attracted everyone's attention to him. With his ability, everyone else in the picture has become his background board.

Yu Ting was fascinated by watching, and his full attention was on Tang Qu until the end of the picture.

Yu Ting, who had returned to normal, had a feeling of waking up from a big dream. He remembered that it was written in the script that wherever the Venerable Qingxuan went, he must be the focus. He thought he would produce this result through post-editing, but Tang Qu relied on One's own ability has been achieved, it's not just relying on appearance, it requires ability, capture of the camera, confidence in one's own acting skills, such ability, he has only seen one person in the entertainment circle so far, that is, his body The little uncle next to him.

Director Chen looked at Guan Yan proudly: "How about it? It's excellent. Don't look at it and just took a picture. I have a hunch that this will soon become another milestone for me."

Guan Yan crossed his legs and glanced at Chen Ke lightly: "Not bad."

Chen Ke's eyes widened: "No way, I actually heard the word "good" from your official actor's mouth? Yu Ting, did you hear that? Guan Yan is actually praising me!",

Yu Ting was dizzy from Chen Kehuang: "Oh, I heard it! I heard it!"

Unexpectedly, the film king Guan stood up from his chair: "I'm talking about a good actor." After finishing speaking, Guan Yan left.

"Hey! Guan Yan, you can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth! Is my filming worthy of your praise?"

Yu Ting glanced at the camera, and the final frame was fixed on his expression, but he felt that his little uncle's words that the actor was good just now were definitely not meant for him.

Seeing that Guan Yan was walking away, Yu Ting left Director Chen behind and immediately followed.

"Uncle, wait for me!"

Guan Yan's footsteps paused: "What's wrong?"

Yu Ting rubbed the back of his head: "Do you want to rest for a while? Yesterday I heard Brother Jiang say that you filmed a night scene all night, and you will catch a plane back this morning."

After waiting for a few seconds, Yu Ting heard Guan Yan say: "OK."

Yu Ting hurriedly took Guan Yan to his lounge.

"Little uncle, take a rest for a while, usually no one disturbs you here."

Guan Yan nodded, leaned casually on the sofa, and stretched his body.

Yu Ting looked at Guan Yan's stretched body and the protruding Adam's apple, and looked at himself, crying in his heart, why doesn't he have the figure of his little uncle! Obviously he is not much older than his little uncle!

"What are you looking at?" Guan Yan's deep voice recalled in the lounge.

Yu Ting immediately sat up straight: "No, no."

Although he is not a few years younger than Guan Yan, he has been afraid of his little uncle since he was a child, and at the same time he admires his little uncle very much. Most of the reasons why he will enter the entertainment circle are because of his little uncle. He was a little closer to his little uncle, but only after entering this circle did he know how high his little uncle was.

"Dangdang!" The knock on the door interrupted Yu Ting's thoughts.

Yu Ting quickly went to open the door, and when he opened it, it was his manager: "Xiaoting, there is a short interview, you can go there first."

Yu Ting looked at Guan Yan in the lounge, then nodded: "I'll go later."


After the manager left, Yu Ting walked to the sofa: "Little Uncle, I have an interview, I'll be back in a while."

Guan Yan opened his eyes: "Go ahead and behave well."

"Well, definitely."

After Yu Ting left, the lounge became quiet again.

A few minutes later, there was another knock on the door of the lounge, Guan Yan frowned, didn't Xiaoting say that his lounge is usually not disturbed?

Guan Yan couldn't ignore the unhurried knock on the door, and walked over to open the door.

The door was suddenly opened, and Tang Qu was still knocking on the door.

Seeing that it was Guan Yan who opened the door, Tang Qu subconsciously took two steps back and glanced at the sign on the door. It's Yu Ting who is not wrong, how could he conjure an official actor from inside!

The two met by chance before, but in this situation, Tang Qu had no choice but to say hello. Tang Qu responded quickly: "Hello, the official actor."

Tang Qu hadn't changed his clothes yet, and Guan Yan felt that he was extra petite and thin in the baggy clothes. He had heard that Chen Ke was demanding, but Tang Qu still needed to lose weight for his small body?

Guan Yan's thought was only for a moment, and he only heard him say solemnly: "Hello, Tang Qu."

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