Chapter 29 No one is born gentle

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When Du Yan came to pick up Tang Qu, she was still a little strange: "Brother Qu, are you sick?"

"I'm fine, I was called out by Yu Ting, and something happened in between."

"Brother Qu, as long as you're fine, otherwise Brother Yong will teach me a lesson."

Tang Qu rubbed the center of his brows, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. His trembling hand problem still hasn't changed. He can't just run away when he sees Guan Yan in the future. It's too embarrassing.

When he arrived at the set, Tang Qu realized that he hadn't had lunch yet, and was about to ask Du Yan to buy some snacks.

Director Chen saw Tang Qu: "Xiao Qu, you are here, come here quickly, I happen to have an inspiration, let me tell you about this scene."

Tang Qu had no choice but to follow.

When Director Chen finished speaking, Tang Qu checked the time. It was time to put on makeup. It seemed that he was going to be hungry for the afternoon scene.

"Someone said just now that you haven't eaten lunch yet. This is the lunch delivered."

Tang Qu looked at the lunch box on the table, raised his eyebrows slightly, was it from Yu Ting? Yu Ting must have known about the fact that he didn't eat lunch. I didn't expect him to be very careful.

"Brother Qu, why didn't you tell me that you didn't have lunch?" Du Yan blamed herself a little, as an assistant, she didn't even notice that her own artist didn't have lunch.

Tang Qu waved his hand: "It's not a big deal, as an actor, it's common to have irregular meals."

Although what Tang Qu said was common in the industry, Du Yan just felt uncomfortable. She was older than Tang Qu. Ever since she became Tang Qu's assistant, she regarded Tang Qu as her younger brother. She was still a student. How can you not eat on time.

"I'm going to talk to the makeup artist, Brother Qu, you have something to eat first." After speaking, Du Yan went out.

Tang Qu opened the lunch box, the food was still steaming, and it smelled very appetizing.

Just picked up the chopsticks, put them down again, picked up the phone, took a photo, and sent it to Yu Ting.

[Thank you for the lunch you sent. 】

Then put down the phone and concentrate on eating.

Tang Qu didn't have time to look at his phone again until after filming at night.

In the end, I saw the message sent by Yu Ting [This is not from me, the lunch box seems to be from my uncle. 】

Tang Qu reacted, Yu Ting didn't give it away, it was Yu Ting's uncle who gave it to him, and Yu Ting's uncle was equal to Guan Yan!

So the lunch was delivered by Guan Yan?

Tang Qu felt a little complicated in his heart, and then he comforted himself by saying, "Isn't it just a gift of a meal? What's the matter? The other party may just be polite for Yu Ting's sake."

"Brother Qu, good night. I won't go up today. I'll bring you breakfast tomorrow."


Tang Qu is very satisfied with Du Yan. He takes good care of his basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. It's not that he can't take care of himself, but it's a little difficult for him to balance work and life.

Tang Qu wondered if he should thank Guan Yan for the lunch, but he didn't have Guan Yan's contact information.

Before going to bed, Tang Qu sent another message to Yu Ting [Thank you uncle for me. 】

I thought this matter was over like this, but in the following time, Tang Qu would receive the same lunch box every day at noon, but the dishes in the lunch box were different.

Tang Qu didn't know what it meant, and he was embarrassed not to accept the gift from his senior, especially from someone like Guan Yan who was not easy to provoke.

Du Yan is also curious about this lunch, who is so diligent in delivering it every day? But in this case, the recipe she designed for Xiaoqu would be completely useless.

At noon that day, Du Yan received another lunch box from over there.

Tang Qu took the lunch box without any surprise: "How many days is this?"

"Ten days." Du Yan also had doubts in her heart, but after all, it was Tang Qu's private matter, so it was not easy for her to ask.

It's not a problem if it goes on like this.

In the afternoon, Tang Qu found an opportunity and found Yu Ting: "Brother Yu."

"Xiao Qu, come here, it's so cool here, you should stay with me for a while." Seeing Tang Qu standing up from his chair, Yu Ting felt refreshed.

"Brother Yu, I came here to trouble you with something."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I want to ask your uncle if he has been discharged from the hospital?"

"He, he was discharged from the hospital two days ago, and he is recuperating at home recently." Yu Ting still had a complaint in his heart, but he didn't say it out in order to preserve his uncle's image. He felt that his uncle was just making excuses to be lazy.

"Oh, that's how it is."

"You have something to do with him?"

"Well, there's a little thing."

"Ham, what's the matter, I'll tell you the address, or I can take you to him." Yu Ting trusted Tang Qu 100%, and didn't think Tang Qu might want to curry favor with Guan Yan at all. After all, if Tang Qu had that kind of thought, wouldn't it be faster to attack him?

"No, let's talk about it later when we have a chance."

"Okay, if you need my help, just tell me, you're welcome."

Tang Qu nodded. He wasn't being polite, but your uncle was too.

This matter has been shelved for the time being.

This day, Tang Qu had a night scene to shoot. Although the weather wasn’t too cold, Du Yan was still a little worried that the scene would be filmed in the water. Zhang Yong also kept telling him, “If you can’t pass one by one, you can come up. Stay in the water stupidly."

No wonder Zhang Yong was nervous, last time there was a scene where Tang Qu was the background board, but Bai Shan kept NG, Tang Qu just stood against the sun and remained motionless, afterwards Zhang Yong asked Tang Qu: "Are you hot or not? "

Unexpectedly, Tang Qu smiled and said: "It's okay, it only takes a few tens of minutes. If I keep moving, the prop teacher, make-up teacher, and lighting engineer will have to adjust the angle all the time. It's too much trouble for others."

Looking at the smile on the child's face, Zhang Yong really wondered what the teenage child has gone through to develop such a gentle personality, always thinking of others.

Watching Tang Qu go into the water, Zhang Yong and Du Yan showed the same worried expressions. In their eyes, Tang Qu is now a simple and honest child who doesn't know how to sue his parents when he is bullied.

Artists have circles of artists, and managers have circles of managers. Zhang Yong can often hear which artist is causing trouble for the manager, and which artist is bullying people based on their background, but these problems are in Tang Qu He doesn't have anything on him, and Tang Qu doesn't look like a person with no background. Otherwise, a person who has just entered the entertainment industry for a short time, how could he have an actor of Zhang Lao's level as a teacher, and even acted in Director Chen's play , even making friends with Yu Ting, and the lunch that was delivered recently.

The more Zhang Yong thinks about it, the more he feels that his child is too well-behaved. He has to watch carefully, don't be bullied.

Tang Qu floats on the water by himself with a serious face. This scene is a scene where Yu Ze is in danger and he goes to rescue someone.

Tang Qu in the water didn't know that there was an extra person in front of the camera.

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