Chapter 123 Ready to have a fourth child?

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Tang Qu's matter has been buzzing on the Internet for a few days, and the heat finally passed.

Although this incident was actually aimed at Tang Qu, in terms of the final result, it was Tang Qu who benefited.

This incident not only helped Tang Qu gain many fans, but also helped Tang Qu get rid of the Tang family. No matter how you look at it, Tang Qu is the ultimate beneficiary.

It's a good thing for Tang Qu, but not so good for Tang Yu.

Because of his remarks, as well as those of the Tang family's parents, they have now been fully besieged by netizens.

Tang Yu was originally a flamboyant person. When something like this happened, many young actors came to make trouble.

People who struggle in the entertainment industry are all good people. Tang Yu had dissatisfied many people with his family background before, and now he finally has a chance to ridicule him, how can he let it go.

And Tang Yugang's partner is still Tang Qu, who is Tang Qu now, the hot new star in the entertainment industry, with Guan Yan and Huayu behind him, Tang Yu should not be able to turn around for the time being.

China Entertainment is not a vegetarian.

Sure enough, as most people expected, negative news about Tang Yu suddenly appeared on the Internet on a large scale.

The route he took was Sunshine Xiaosheng. Videos of him smoking, drinking, and fighting in middle school broke out on the Internet, as well as racing videos with some rich kids, if these are nothing.

Afterwards, a video of him being intimate with many girls was suddenly picked up, which can be regarded as a catastrophe.

Many fans couldn't accept it when they saw these videos. At first, because someone sprayed Tang Yu, the fans couldn't help arguing with others, but now they find that the idol they admire is such a person

Tang Yu saw that the trend on the Internet was getting more and more wrong, so he contacted those media immediately, hoping that they would withdraw the report.

"Do you know who I am? You will be legally responsible for reporting these false news!" Tang Yu's tone was extremely bad.

Unexpectedly, the person on the opposite side said calmly: "Mr. Tang, we are just doing our own work, and it is difficult for us to fulfill your request."

Then the other party hung up the phone, and Tang Yu was so angry that he threw the phone aside.

The constant beeping of the mobile phone gave Tang Yu a headache.

Tang Yu, who has nothing to do, can only find his parents, but his parents are also in a state of distress.

Since yesterday, the company has had problems one after another. At the same time, Mother Tang also has a beauty company. Yesterday, a large number of customers suddenly came to complain about product problems.

The whole Tang family was crazy busy.

Now they also understand that someone is targeting the Tang family.

The only thing Tang Yu could think of was Tang Qu, but reason told him, or he didn't want to believe that Tang Qu had such a great ability that he could almost paralyze the Tang family overnight.

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