Chapter 177 Dad, Don't Cry

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Tang Qu looked at Guan Yan suspiciously, but didn't ask any further questions. Guan Yan would never harm him.

Tang Qu didn't know about it until morning.

Holding Nian Nian while feeding her breakfast, she said, "Why did you tell me such an important matter? You should have told me last night."

"Telling you last night was just to add to your troubles. Today I asked Jiang Ge to arrange an online clarification conference, and then all these problems will be resolved together."


Regarding these matters, Tang Qu knew that Guan Yan would take care of them, and now he was more worried about Nian Nian.

After waking up today, the little girl still didn't react at all, she ate obediently even when asked to hold her in his arms, she just didn't smile or speak.

This situation is indeed due to being frightened, but that is what makes people most anxious.

Because of Niannian's incident, there was a lot of buzz on the Internet.

Everyone is guessing how Guan Yan will handle this matter.

After all, after any news about Guan Yan came out in the past, Guan Yan's public relations team was as cold as he himself, and didn't care about these things at all. Over time, people also forgot about those clowns.

But this time the scandal is different, I just don't know how Guan Yan will deal with it.

Soon Guan Yan's studio gave the answer.

Netizens originally thought that it would be good for Guan Yan to issue at most one statement.

Didn't expect Guan Yan to hold an online press conference in such a sharp way, so Tang Qu has already reached such an important position in Guan Yan's heart?

Nine out of ten couples in the entertainment industry are acting, let alone Guan Yan.

So this time he and Tang Qu are serious?

Whether it is serious or not, everyone will know the answer in the online press conference in a while.

Anxiously waiting for the press conference to start.

After Niannian and Tang Qu finished packing, Guan Yan arranged for people to prepare the equipment.

The online press conference will be done soon.

There are many people waiting for this press conference, so many people came in from the very beginning.

There are fans of Guan Yan, fans of Tang Qu, and reporters waiting for the news.

This time Guan Yan didn't talk nonsense, but said directly: "This time the online press conference is adopted because my lover and child are not feeling well, so I can only use this method."

This sentence reveals a lot of information.

It's no problem that the lover is Tang Qu, what's the matter with that child?

Everyone's attention was immediately on Tang Qu next to him.

Tang Qu was facing the camera sideways, as if holding something in his hands.

Taking a bold guess, Tang Qu should be holding a child in his arms.

Nian Nian didn't know what happened, she just sat obediently in Tang Qu's arms.

Guan Yan glanced at Niannian, and then continued: "What happened yesterday, I think the blow has already been clearly understood through the news, so I won't repeat it, I will only respond to some controversies on the Internet."

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