Chapter 16

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In a blink of an eye, it was time to join the group.

When Zhang Yong came to pick up Tang Qu, he felt a deep sense of guilt. He felt that the child had lost weight after a few days!

On the way, Zhang Yong couldn't help but exhorted: "Xiao Qu, you don't need to lose weight deliberately, your weight actually doesn't have much effect on the camera."

Tang Qu turned to look at Zhang Yong: "Brother Yong, I haven't lost weight, I just exercised a little recently."

When he looked in the mirror that night, Tang Qu found that his body was like a white chicken, without any muscles, it was too soft, how could a qualified tough guy actor have no muscles!

Zhang Yong nodded: "Exercising, this is a good habit."

But in fact Tang Qu was not very satisfied with himself, he felt as if he hadn't achieved any results from his training.

When the two arrived on the set very early, basically no one came, except for a few field teachers.

Zhang Yong looked around: "Xiao Qu, let's find a place to rest for a while, and we'll come back when people come."

Tang Qu shook his head: "I'll stay here to see if I can help. Today is the first day and I probably won't be able to make a movie, but there are probably a lot of things to do."

Zhang Yong just wanted to say that some people are busy with those things, but then he thought about it, Tang Qu is the newest person among these people, and he has to stay on the set for a long time, and it is good to get along well with the staff in the set, so there is no Prevent.

In fact, Tang Qu didn't think too much about it. When he first came into the entertainment industry, he was just a walk-on, and occasionally helped the crew organize things, so he understood the staff behind them. Even if he became popular in the future, he still kept it In order to arrive early, try to help the staff to make some preparations, or try to trouble the staff as little as possible, this is the real empathy.

The staff who were busy preparing for work today suddenly found that there was a young man who did the work neatly and was easy to talk to. They thought it was a college student who the leader had come to help temporarily, but this child looked so handsome.

It wasn't until the director came that everyone realized that this was the male number three that Director Chen was looking for.

"Xiao Qu, come here." Director Chen saw Tang Qu as soon as he came to the set. This child was so eye-catching in the crowd that he could recognize him immediately. Not only his appearance, but also his temperament.

"Director Chen." Tang Qu came over to greet Director Chen.

"You came so early?"

"Well, it's nothing, so I'll come here earlier."

Director Chen nodded and didn't say anything more.

Tang Qu stood obediently beside Director Chen. Helping the film crew was something he did voluntarily. Now that everyone is busy, he would be suspected of putting on a show if he went again, and every time such news appeared, he would He felt that everyone put the crew and actors in two classes, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Everyone is working hard for the same thing, there is no difference.

Gradually, the number of people increased, Zhang Yong remembered something, and hurriedly said: "I have already learned about this play, and you should be the only newcomer actor this time, and most of the others are from one or two plays." , you should be a little more careful, especially the male and female protagonists this time, try not to provoke them." Although Zhang Yong didn't feel that his company could not compete with theirs, he didn't want Tang Qu to give up on the circle when he made his first official appearance. leave a bad impression.

"Okay, Brother Yong, I understand."

Everyone arrived around ten o'clock.

Tang Qu looked at the hero and heroine of the play.

The male lead in this play is called Yu Ting. Tang Qu looked like a clean child with a childish innocence. Zhang Yong noticed that Tang Qu was staring at Yu Ting, so he leaned into his ear and whispered Said: "Yu Ting, since his debut, he has been doing it all the time. It is said that he has the capital behind him, but this kid also has real acting skills. As long as he is not just for fun, this kid's future achievements are also limitless."

Tang Qu nodded, without paying too much attention, but turned around and asked Zhang Yong a question: "Brother Yong, how old are you? Why do you call everyone a child?"

Zhang Yong fell silent for a while, and said with a cold face: "We are still good friends regardless of age."

Here Tang Qu is looking at others, and others are also looking at Tang Qu, because Tang Qu is so special. Director Chen didn't hire any newcomers for this show, Tang Qu is the only one, and Tang Qu had a blast two days ago After a while, many first-line surfers have heard of it. So everyone is really curious about this deity.

The actors were looking at each other, but the program of the crew unfolded in an orderly manner.

The first is the opening ceremony that is necessary for all new dramas to start.

Director Chen Ke's new play has already attracted the attention of the media before it even started. Naturally, many media attended the opening ceremony.

And besides the new play directed by Chen Ke, everyone also pays attention to the male third of the new play.

The circle is used to Director Chen Ke using new actors in new plays, but judging from the news revealed in this play, there is only one new actor in this play and that is Tang Qu.

Tang Qu's previous news and his participation in director Chen's play this time, the two mixed together will create a strong chemical reaction. The media is naturally sensitive to news.

Director Chen has no intention of hiding this new drama, so naturally the more lively the better.

Director Chen is in the middle, the male and female protagonists are on the left and right, and Tang Qu is slightly behind. This photo of the opening ceremony is frozen.

Afterwards, the first scene of the male and female protagonists. At the same time, Director Chen's new play "Devil Soul" has already been on the hot search list.

Before this, the hero and heroine have already warmed up, and many people left messages and comments below, looking forward to Director Chen and "Devil Soul".

This hot search has been very stable, maintaining an upward trend.

But one entry has quietly emerged.

When the crew realized something was wrong, that hot search had already been sent to the top ten.


On the first day, Tang Qu didn't play, but he didn't leave the crew, but stayed in the crew. Zhang Yong was also with him. When he saw this hot search entry, he looked confused. Why didn't he know that his own artist could be so popular? hot search.

The crew also discovered this entry, but they didn't take any action. A male third had little influence on the crew.

"Xiao Qu, you stay here first, I'll go take a look."

Tang Qu held Zhang Yong back: "Brother Yong, don't worry, we'll talk about it later."

Zhang Yong was puzzled.

Tang Qu did not speak, he is still a newcomer, logically speaking, he should not be on the trending search at all, this trending search was obviously bought by someone else, and no one could find out that he was participating in this drama so quickly, except for the last audition Others, the other party sang such a big scene, he had no reason not to take a good look at it.

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