Chapter 21 Unspoken rules?

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This was the first time Tang Qu heard Guan Yan's voice so closely and clearly, it was deep and deep, with a fatal attraction.

Tang Qu was also dazed for a moment, but he soon came back to his senses and took a step back.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the official actor to rest."

Tang Qu has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and he knows that many people are superficial and secret. He does not deny Guan Yan's acting skills, but as long as he thinks of Guan Yan's Weibo, he really likes Guan Yan. stand up.

Guan Yan frowned slightly as he looked at the obviously indifferent child in front of him.


Tang Qu thought it was strange that the two of them were standing in the corridor, so he said, "Just now Director Chen asked Brother Yu to take a few more shots, please tell Brother Yu, the official actor, and I will leave first." He left in a hurry, knowing that he would run into Guan Yan, he would not have helped Director Chen with this favor.

Guan Yan looked at the back of Tang Qu leaving in a hurry, raised his eyebrows, is he so scary? Immediately, the corners of his lips curled up again. This person was more interesting than he had imagined. There was obviously no fear or love for him in his eyes, but his body was trembling.

After Tang Qu walked away from Guan Yan, he stopped and leaned against a corner at random. His fingers were trembling slightly. This was not his own reaction, but a conditioned reflex formed by his body for a long time. Seeing something related to Guan Yan, Dongjiu couldn't help trembling, Tang Qu really loved Guan Yan by instinct. Tang Qu discovered this when he and Guan Yan watched a movie together last time.

Tang Qu raised one hand and held down his wrist with the other, but it was still useless. After struggling for a few times, he gave up. This was the evidence that the original body existed, and he couldn't erase it, because the feeling was too painful.

Tang Qu waited until his body stopped shaking before going back to find Zhang Yong. On the way back, he thought to himself that he should overcome it, and he couldn't just run away every time he saw Guan Yan. If he really decided to stay in the entertainment industry, then It is impossible to avoid Guan Yan for a lifetime.

"Xiao Qu, let's go to the company in the afternoon. The company has recruited a few assistants for you. You can choose them. There is also the matter of Weibo. You have to hurry up. Do you have Weibo yourself?" Regarding the incident in the morning, Zhang Yong felt that Tang Qu couldn't keep a low profile at all, especially since Tang Qu had no works yet, and there were already two scandals. He had to change the public's impression of Tang Qu as soon as possible.

Tang Qu recalled: "No." The original body did have a Weibo, but that was specially used for chasing stars. He needed a work Weibo, which of course couldn't be used. As for the Weibo for chasing stars, let's put it aside for now. Well, who still has a trumpet?

"Okay, Director Chen, I've already said hello, let's go back to the company directly."

The two packed up and drove away.

And a man in a black car was looking this way as they left.

"Brother Yan, didn't you rest today? Why did you run to Director Chen's crew?" Guan Yan came to this crew just after getting off the plane. In order to avoid reporters, he drove around the airport several times in an empty car.

Guan Yan leaned on the back of the chair: "Xiaoting is filming here."

Jiang Ge glanced at his mouth, and muttered in a low voice: "I've never seen you be so active towards the young master before."

"What did you say?"

"No, you said you cared about your family."

Guan Yan watched the white car leave, and told Jiang Ge to leave as well.

"Is there anyone for Director Zhang's play?"

"Director Zhang?" Jiang Ge was puzzled for a moment: "Oh~ You said the drama directed by Zhang Zhe, not yet, but aren't you not interested in TV dramas? Why did you suddenly ask about this drama?"

Since Guan Yan appeared in the entertainment industry, besides movie scripts, there are also many TV drama scripts, but Guan Yan doesn't like it, he finds it troublesome, and Jiang Ge also manipulates Guan Yan, who makes him the boss.

"Oh, help me pay attention to the casting of the leading actor."

"Okay, I guess we'll have to wait for a while for that drama." But Jiang Ge was surprised that the image of the male number one didn't match Guan Yan's image, but it matched Yu Ting's image, so he asked a lot: "Are you going to let Yu Ting That play in the pavilion?"

Guan Yan didn't speak. Jiang Ge saw through the perspective mirror that Guan Yan had closed his eyes and rested. He consciously stopped talking and turned up the temperature of the air conditioner. He was really tired recently. He has been filming continuously for the past two days. Although he is busy, he is very happy and can reflect the value of his agent. Otherwise, the artist is too good, and he, a gold medal agent, would have no sense of accomplishment.

On the other side, Tang Qu returned to the company, looked at the assistants, and picked out a thin, dark girl.

"May I have your name?"

"Du Yan." The girl's voice was different from her domineering appearance, it was sweet.

"Okay, when can you come to work?"


Zhang Yong nodded, and Zhang Yong didn't ask much about the rest. To be selected by the company to be Tang Qu's assistant was already trained.

After explaining some more things, Zhang Yong let Du Yan leave first.

After Du Yan left, Zhang Yong walked a few steps in place, then looked at Tang Qu and sighed: "If you have any questions, just ask."

Tang Qu has always had doubts in his heart. It seems that Tang Qu and Zhang Yongde signed the contract randomly by chance, but in today's society, there will be no serious agent on the street to just pull someone to sign a contract.

Furthermore, according to Tang Qu's recent observations, Zhang Yong's status in the industry does not seem to be low, so how could such a capable person bring only a newcomer, Tang Qu, even after so long on hold, after signing the contract? Instead of urging Tang Qu to work, he let Tang Qu choose by himself. It is not an exaggeration to say that such a company is a charity company.

"Why am I so special?" How could such a person with no background be treated so specially.

Zhang Yong sat on the chair: "Actually, I'm also surprised, but I can give you some information."

Zhang Yong didn't belong to this company at first, but was hired by the company last year after spending a lot of money. After he got here, he was given a task to sign Tang Qu.

"At the beginning, I was also surprised. I signed you, but I didn't let you work. I went to investigate. After the investigation, I found out that this company was acquired by someone else before signing me. It is not clear who the acquirer is. Not sure. From signing you, there is only one requirement at the top to put your needs first.”

To anyone's ears, this is a good thing, but after hearing Zhang Yong's words, Tang Qu not only didn't feel happy, but broke out in a cold sweat.

Interests in the entertainment industry are paramount, how could someone be nice to a stranger whom they have never met before? There are only two types of this, either wanting to unspoken rules, or the other party's brain is out of order.

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