Chapter 124 I Can Be More Enthusiastic Next Time

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Tang Qu didn't know how to react for a moment.

Why did the official mother treat him so well?

"Auntie, I..." Tang Qu looked at the official mother with red eyes.

Guan's mother is a straightforward person, whoever she likes, she will be very kind to whomever she likes, and Tang Qu suits her wishes almost everywhere.

She is also paying attention to the news on the Internet recently. She has learned about Tang Qu's family background before, but she still feels heartbroken when she reads it again. How can such a good child bear so much?

The most direct performance of the official mother is in shopping.

She believed that Guan Yan would do a good job in other places.

In the study room on the other side, Guan Fu and Guan Yan sat on each side, with a pot of tea in front of them.

"You called us back just to drink tea?" Guan Yan took a sip of tea calmly.

What I thought in my heart was that this tea is good, and I can let Xiao Qu take it to the crew later.

The official father didn't know that his good tea was already missed by his own son.

He snorted softly: "I can't call you back if I have nothing to do?"

The official father was very puzzled, he thought he was not such a cold person, his temper was considered mild, and his lover was also fiery, so why did he give birth to such a son of ice?

Gene mutation?

Guan Yan glanced outside: "The sun doesn't set from the east today."

The official father was so angry that he wanted to do it.

Guan Yan raised his wine glass and said slowly, "Take it easy, a glass is quite expensive."

It took a lot of effort for the official father to get this set of tea sets.

"Let's get down to business." Guan Yan liked to be angry with his father.

There is no way, when I was a child, my father and mother always left him in the care of the eldest sister in order to live a two-person world. He would be sorry for himself if he didn't make a little trouble.

The official father also straightened his face: "Are you and Tang Qu serious?"

Hearing what the official father said, Guan Yan also became serious: "What do you mean, you don't agree?"

Suddenly, Guan Yan's aura changed.

The official father was also a little surprised, followed by a lot of pride.

His youngest son was less than 30 years old, and his aura was already able to faintly suppress him. There was no problem in handing over the company to Guan Yan.

The official father sneered: "Why are you so nervous, I haven't said anything yet."

If he dared to oppose Tang Qu and Guan Yan, his wife would be the first to skin him.

Guan Yan also knew that he was overreacting, but there was no way he could calm down about all the matters involving Tang Qu.

Seeing his son like this, Guan's father understood that Guan Yan was in deep trouble.

"What I want to tell you is about Tang Qu's life experience."

Guan Yan raised his eyebrows, waiting for his father's next words.

"People from the Yi family came yesterday."

With Guan Yan's ingenuity, he immediately understood what Guan Fu meant.

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