Chapter 167 Tool Man "Guan Yan"

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The two of them still didn't go home that day.

However, from that day on, Tang Qu began to ignore Guan Yan.

In fact, Tang Qu wasn't angry that Guan Yan did this, but that Guan Yan was too careless. The daughter was still at home, and the two of them were outside.

How will you take care of your daughter in the future?

Because of this incident, Tang Qu has been sleeping with Niannian in his arms lately, not giving Guan Yan a chance.

This worries Guan Yan.

He couldn't sleep at night without hugging Xiaoqu.

Moreover, Tang Qu's ignorance is not the cold war type. Tang Qu still knows how to talk to him, but the answer is more suffocating.

The official mother also found out, but the official mother is a typical spectator.

In fact, both Tang Qu and Guan Yan have a lot of love for Nian Nian.

But it's good to let Tang Qu rule the official Yan like this, it will save him no sense in the future.

Although Tang Qu didn't talk to Guan Yan anymore, he didn't insist on it for a few days.

Because Tang Qu was going to shoot a magazine, and Guan Yan was going to follow him as an assistant.

Tang Qu had no choice but to let him go.

When Tang Qu looked in the mirror in the morning, he realized that he seemed to have really changed.

The self in the mirror does have an indescribable feeling.

Tang Qu himself can find out that the gentleness in the past was the gentleness of being separated from others, but now it is really gentle, the gentleness that wants to be approached by others.

Tang Qu looked at the closet and chose a youthful outfit. Although he has a baby, he is still very small!

Guan Yan glanced at Tang Qu's clothes and pursed his lips slightly.

"Aren't today's clothes too tender?"

Tang Qu raised his eyebrows: "I'm very tender."

Guan Yan: ...

In the end, the official actor chose a suit similar to Tang Qu's.

Tang Qu looked at it, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

While Guan Yan was not paying attention, Tang Qu took a photo with his mobile phone.

Then posted it on Weibo.

[First day of work! 】

The moment Tang Qu tweeted, Guan Yan's cell phone rang.

Tang Qu has always been Guan Yan's special concern.

Guan Yan opened it and smiled.

Although it was Tang Qu's selfie, but Tang Qu took a picture of half of his body, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that they were wearing the same style.

Since the two had an official intention to announce it, the taboo between the two has not been so much.

Don't look at it in the morning, there are a lot of people playing Weibo at this time.

The number of likes and comments on this Weibo is rising rapidly.

Some praised Tang Qu, and some were curious about who the people around Tang Qu were.

Tang Qu took a general look and didn't care. It's time to set off soon.

Zhang Yong was not surprised when he saw Guan Yan and Tang Qu getting into the car together.

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