Chapter 51

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Although Tang Qu was also sad about the scene last night, those experiences belonged to the original body after all, and he couldn't comment too much. It was only the similarities between the original body and him that made him feel a little uncomfortable.

On the second day, Tang Qu had already fully recovered.

Although the original body has a wonderful family, they also let Yuan go to school before he became an adult and have a place to stay. It is not too mean, so as long as the well water on both sides does not interfere with the river water, he will not deliberately Go find bad luck.

Now he is living his own life.

Tang Qu is not someone who likes to sleep in. After waking up, he wakes up in bed, then gets up from bed, draws the curtains, and embraces the sun.

Another sunny day, another day of new beginnings.

After tidying up briefly, Tang Qu thought it was still early, so he might as well go for a morning run.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, Guan Yan, who was opposite him, also opened the door.

"want to go out?"

The two asked questions at the same time, since they were both wearing sportswear, it was obvious that they were going out for morning exercises.

"Together?" Tang Qu asked.

Guan Yan nodded.

The two didn't look too far, so they ran around the apartment in the morning.

"Didn't work today?"

"Yes, there is a commercial to shoot in the morning, but because of the photographer, it doesn't start until ten o'clock, so I'm not in a hurry."

"What advertisement?" Guan Yan continued to ask.

"Well, it's the jewelry advertisement last time. That company was acquired by CQ, but the other party didn't change the spokesperson. Recently, the integration over there is almost done, and the delayed advertisement is about to be shot."

Guan Yan's eyes flickered when he heard CQ.

Seeing that Guan Yan didn't respond, Tang Qu was slightly disappointed. Could it be that his guess was wrong, and the acquisition was not done by Guan Yan?

Because there was a commercial to be shot in the morning, Tang Qu didn't eat much for breakfast, and Guan Yan frowned as he watched from the sidelines.

"I'll go to the shooting site with you."

"What are you going to do?" Tang Qu, who was arranging his clothes, was taken aback.

"To guide you."

Tang Qu: ...

"Are you free?"

Guan Yan spread his hands, expressing that he was really free.

"Yan Dee asked us to live together to get to know each other as soon as possible. You are going to shoot an advertisement now, and I happen to be on vacation. How can such a good opportunity to get to know you be wasted."

Tang Qu thought, don't you understand me clearly enough?

In the end Tang Qu agreed to Guan Yan, but he made a request that Guan Yan be his assistant.

The official film king agreed to this request very easily, and willingly went to work as an assistant to Tang Qu, a little-known star.

In the middle, Du Yan called and said that she could pick up Tang Qu at about 9:30, but Tang Qu refused.

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