Chapter 140 I Can't Have This Child

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Tang Qu didn't know what the two people in the study upstairs were talking about, but seeing his grandfather's expression, Tang Qu's heart skipped a beat.

The old man's expression was obviously not right.

Guan Yan followed behind the old man.

This is the first time that Mr. Yi has shown Tang Qu a cold face.

Guan Yan walked up to Tang Qu and took Tang Qu with his big hands.

Tang Qu was startled, and turned to look at Guan Yan.

But Guan Yan didn't look at him, but at Mr. Yi.

Tang Qu struggled for a while, but did not break free.

Think about the old man's expression just now, so Guan Yan had a showdown with the old man, right?

Thinking of this, Tang Qu stopped struggling. Now that the old man knew it, he didn't need to cover it up.

Although his current body is indeed Tang Qu's, his soul is not the original body. Even if the old man objects, he will not be separated from Guan Yan.

Mr. Yi saw that Tang Qu, who was still struggling, suddenly stopped struggling. Instead, he looked at him with firm eyes like Guan Yan, and became even angrier.

How could his grandson treat Guan Yan like this?

At this time, Mr. Yi has completely forgotten that Guan Yan is a very outstanding junior in his heart.

Now Mr. Yi looked at Guan Yan with the same eyes as those who kidnapped and trafficked children, his teeth itching with hatred.

Their little Qu has not been at home for a few days, and he has a boyfriend?

"Guan Yan, do you know how old Xiao Qu is this year?!"

Mr. Yi's crutches knocked on the floor and made a dull sound.

Guan Yan was neither humble nor overbearing: "Xiao Qu is twenty years old, and has reached the legal age for marriage."

Old Master Yi glared at Guan Yan angrily: "He's still in school!"

"I know, I will wait for him to finish his studies, and I will not interfere with his future."

Looking at Guan Yan in front of him, Mr. Yi was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Guan Yan anymore.

Why didn't he find out that this official boy is still a little rascal?

In the eyes of Mr. Yi, Guan Yan has always been a very good child, and he will become an excellent official family member in the future, but this child is too cold, with a cold face and a cold heart, even if he talks to you, he will be separated by a few minutes.

Can Xiao Qu really be happy if he falls in love with such a person?

In fact, what Mr. Yi was really angry with was not because Tang Qu was dating and concealed him from him, but because Tang Qu had chosen this person.

Guan Yan is too cold, Xiaoqu is too young, and he has seen too few people at his age. If Guan Yan wants to lie to him, isn't it easy to catch?

After all, Mr. Yi still feels sorry for Tang Qu.

Tang Qu was not stupid either, he saw what Mr. Yi meant.

But at this time, it is obviously inappropriate for him to go up to comfort, and it may be counterproductive.

But it was Tang Qu's first experience of meeting parents, and he didn't know what to do.

When Tang Qu was troubled, Yi Wan and the others also came down.

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