Chapter 4 You Are My Light

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No one knows Guan Yan's influence better than Tang Qu, who was once a film king.

The influence of Guan Yan's Weibo is immeasurable, and Tang Qu finally knew what was the last straw that broke Yuan's body.

However, the reality is more serious than Tang Qu thought.

When Tang Qu searched for Guan Yan, he saw a folder named Guan Yan in the folder of his notebook.

Suddenly having a bad premonition in his heart, Tang Qu hesitated, then clicked on the folder, and was shocked by the contents of the folder.

They were all Guan Yan's photos. Tang Qu was terrified by the progress bar. After clicking on a few photos, Tang Qu closed them and dragged them to the end, where there was a document.

Tang Qu thought about it and finally clicked on it.

There are no long speeches in the document, only a few words [You are my light! 】

Tang Qu now understood why Yuanshen was so overwhelmed. He regarded Guan Yan as his own light, and when he thought he could rely on his own light to get closer, his light told him not to be distracted, and even put He has become a person who rubs the heat, no one can resist such a blow, let alone a child like Tang Qu who lacks love.

When a person has no worries and the last sustenance is broken, there should be only despair.

Tang Qu closed the document and the folder named after Guan Yan. This is the original body's memory, he is not qualified to touch it.

Tang Qu stood up, walked to the TV, and saw that there were many discs, no more, no less, a total of 14 discs. Without picking it up, Tang Qu knew who it was, and it was Guan Yan's movie.

Looking at those CDs, I can see why Tang Qu's acting skills are full of Guan Yan's shadow. As a freshman in sophomore year, Guan Yan can be regarded as his acting enlightenment teacher in a sense.

Because I like you, I live like you.

In fact, Tang Qu doesn't quite understand this feeling, but he has read the messages left by fans.

Usually, after he posts on Weibo, many people will leave a message below. He sees many fans, saying that because he has regained his confidence, or because he has been admitted to a good school, or because of himself, he has tried a lot of things.

Although he didn't feel that he had that much energy, every time he saw such remarks, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, happy for those fans.

The meaning of chasing stars is to make yourself better on the way of chasing stars.

It's just that the original body hadn't allowed himself to shine, but was killed by his idol himself.

Although Guan Yan is excellent, Tang Qu doesn't have the slightest liking for Guan Yan now. Knowing that he has such a big influence, he made such remarks on Weibo before finding out the facts. The child, and the original body did pay the price for it.

While Tang Qu was in a daze, Tang Qu's cell phone rang again, and he subconsciously picked it up: "Hello, hello."

"Tang Qu get out of the entertainment circle, go to hell, you are not allowed to rub Yanyan's heat!"

Tang Qu, who was cursed for a while, hung up the phone expressionlessly, where did the mad dog come from?

However, not long after hanging up, it rang again. Tang Qu took a look and there was no name.

Then he said directly: "He's not dead, he's alive, and he's alive and well!" Then he hung up without giving the other party a chance to speak. I hate these stupid fans the most, they can get anything.

On the other end of the phone, the man with a stern face stared at the hung up phone and was stunned.

Call again: "Sorry, the user you dialed has shut down."

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