Chapter 11

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I don't know if it was Tang Qu's illusion, but he felt that Guan Yan had been staring at him from the moment he sat down.

Tang Qu was also a little tangled in his heart. Should he say hello to Guan Yan? After all, he is going to be in the entertainment industry in the future. Although he doesn't think he will be worse than Guan Yan, but Guan Yan's qualifications are there, so he really should be with him. The senior said hello.

If it's an ordinary person greeting Guan Yan, it doesn't matter if the other party doesn't respond, but now that he and Guan Yan are in an embarrassing situation, there is no way to say hello at all!

After Tang Qu struggled for a while, he decided to say hello, even if the other party had a cold face, it didn't matter.

But as soon as Tang Qu turned his head, he saw an elegantly dressed man walking up to Guan Yan, whispering something to Guan Yan, and then his eyes were shocked. When the man left, he looked at him with a very disdainful look. glanced at him.

Tang Qu is also arrogant, the people around him don't like him so much, why does the Lord hate him? He didn't have the hobby of putting a hot face on a cold butt, so he stopped thinking about saying hello and concentrated on watching the movie.

When Tang Qu was immersed in watching a movie, he didn't notice that the man beside him was staring at him again.

Guan Yan knew about Tang Qu. He called Tang Qu two days ago, but he hung up after being scolded by the other party. At that time, he thought that the child had a bad temper. Later, I found out that the news about Tang Qu came from Zhang Lao. Zhang Lao was full of praise for Tang Qu, and even finally asked him for a movie ticket for the premiere. When he knew it was for Tang Qu, he didn't know why he gave Zhang Lao this ticket. Seeing Tang Qu today, the other party gave me a really different feeling.

Guan Yan thought that Tang Qu should be an immature child, but when he was in the front just now, he saw Tang Qu at a glance. The temperament of the other party was too different from other people, as if he could shine, even in the He can be spotted in the crowd at a glance. Tang Qu has a calmness that doesn't match his age.

What makes Guan Yan strange now is that Tang Qu seemed to be greeting him just now, why did the other party suddenly ignore him?

No one would have known that at the premiere of his movie, the lead actor would stare at a stranger and think about such a boring question.

Tang Qu was so immersed in the movie that he completely ignored Guan Yan. His full attention at this time is on the movie.

"Light and Shadow" is a suspenseful movie. It tells the two sides of a person, light and shadow. This is also the first time Guan Yan challenges two roles in a movie. The protagonist he plays suffers from split personality. During the day, he is a person who is in the sun, but at night will become a cruel person.

Originally, this balance will always be maintained, but one day the dark personality that should have appeared did not appear, and the upright personality met people who had made enemies with the dark personality before, and the upright personality missed and killed them. The boundaries are beginning to blur.

The plot of the whole movie is compact, and the acting skills of all the members are online. This kind of blockbuster gives people a very different feeling and is very shocking.

It wasn't until the end of the movie that Tang Qu came back to his senses. Tang Qu felt emotional. With Guan Yan's current level, even if he played with Guan Yan, there was no guarantee that he would not be suppressed. And Guan Yan is only 25 years old now, full of energy, and the future is full of infinite possibilities.

After the movie ended, most of the people in the venue except Tang Qu focused their attention on Guan Yan. There is no doubt that this movie will become a highlight in the history of the official actor's honor. No, to be more precise, the official actor Every new movie brings surprises to everyone again.

Guan Yan had already left his position to be interviewed by the media, and Tang Qu also took this opportunity to leave.

When it was time to walk to the door, Tang Qu looked back, and his eyes happened to be intertwined with Guan Yan's.

Tang Qu had never seen such eyes.

He has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and he has seen all kinds of eyes, longing eyes, flattering eyes, pretending calm eyes, curious eyes, lustful eyes, this is the first time he saw Guan Yan like this, Calm eyes, those spotlights were clearly on him, but he acted as if those had nothing to do with him.

Tang Qu couldn't find an adjective either. After thinking for a long time, he finally realized that those were looking down. Guan Yan was like God, looking down on everyone with a look of looking down on ants. Among these people, no one was worthy of his letting go. in the eyes.

If someone else looked at others directly with this kind of eyes, Tang Qu would definitely hate this person very much, thinking that this person is too proud and conceited, but when he saw Guan Yan, he just felt that he should be like this, that's how he should be eyes.

This made Tang Qu think of the evaluation of Guan Yan on the Internet, a god-like man, well-deserved reputation.

The eyes of the two met for a short time, and Tang Qu was not sure whether the other party saw him.

When Tang Qu left the studio, he suddenly felt anxious, asked the waiter, and walked in the direction of the toilet.

While Tang Qu was solving his own problems, another person came next to him. That person moved simply, pulling the zipper to solve his physical problems.

It might be a common problem of all men, Tang Qu glanced at it subconsciously, then silently moved his eyes away, what a fool!

Based on Tang Qu's experience in reading novels for many years, this is definitely the standard hardware for the hero of the novel.

Although Tang Qu's heart was wild and unconstrained, the movements of his hands did not stop.

When he was about to leave, he looked up and saw that the man beside him was Guan Yan!

Tang Qu is all right!

He just went to watch a movie, and he could meet Guan Yan everywhere.

But Guan Yan didn't give Tang Qu a half look at all, focusing on himself.

Tang Qu didn't bother to offend others, so he washed his hands quickly. Tang Qu had a small problem. He washed his hands slowly and repeatedly scrubbed them. When Guan Yan came to wash his hands, he still hadn't left.

Through the mirror, Tang Qu clearly realized that he seemed to be nearly ten centimeters lower than Guan Yan! How could Guan Yan be so tall? !

Tang Qu couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere of only two people, so he washed his hands and left.

Guan Yan looked at Tang Qu's back thoughtfully from behind.

Tang Qu found out that his heart was beating a little faster after he got out of the bathroom, and he smiled secretly, he was actually startled by Guan Yan's aura.

But it seems that he really needs to grow a little taller. If he doesn't grow a little taller, he will lose in momentum!

When Guan Yan came out, he happened to bump into his manager.

"Brother Yan, why are you so slow this time?" Then he quietly approached Guan Yan and said, "Brother Yan, is there something wrong with you?"

Guan Yan glanced at the manager.

The latter's back turned cold: "Brother, you are my own brother! I was wrong, I was just joking!"

"I met a fan." Guan Yan left after finishing speaking.

The manager froze in place, he met a fan when he met a fan in the bathroom, do you still have few fans? But what's up with that slightly ostentatious tone of yours?

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