Chapter 132 You Are Not Old

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Yi Wan just remembered that her son is now a big star.

But what followed was a lot of heartache.

If Tang Qu had been by her side since she was a child, she would never have let her child suffer like this.

Tang Qu was supposed to be pampered and brought up.

Now I have suffered so much unfair treatment.

Thinking of this, Yi Wan felt sad, and as soon as she felt sad, Yi Wan wanted to make up for Tang Qu.

On this matter, the two ladies Yi Wan and Shi Xiao surprisingly have a tacit understanding.

"Sir, dinner is ready."

After a while, the servant came to remind me that dinner was ready.

The family then moved to dinner.

When they passed by, Yi Sheng had already come out of the study.

"Tomorrow your aunt is going shopping with Xiaoqu, do you want to take Xiaoyan along?"

Yi Sheng turned his head and looked at Du Yan: "I won't go tomorrow, the company still has some work to do, and I plan to take Xiaoyan on a trip after the annual meeting."

The old man nodded.

Yi Wan suddenly laughed and said: "No wonder the little girl doesn't like to go out with me, so she has an appointment with a beautiful woman."

Being ridiculed, Du Yan was too shy to look at Yi Wan.

"Auntie, don't laugh at us."

Yi Sheng saves Du Yan from the siege.

Mr. Yi was very happy watching from the sidelines.

Now that Tang Qu has been found, his big wish has been fulfilled, his daughter has become lively, and Yi Sheng has a beloved girl.

If the thing he is most worried about now is Tang Qu's marriage.

But don't worry, Tang Qu is still young, and he can stay by his side for a few more years.

At night, Tang Qu sat alone in the bedroom and looked at the sky outside.

There are very few nights alone for such a person, but Tang Qu doesn't feel lonely because there is his family here.

In a sense, he was somewhat envious of Tang Qu.

For him, at least his family cares.

But in that world, he was always alone.

Work hard by yourself, heal your injuries, and always be alone.

The moon outside is the same moon, but the mood of the people under the moon has long been different.

"Dang Dang Dang."

Tang Qu jumped out of his thoughts and turned to look outside the door.


The woman in a long skirt gently opened the door, and stood there gently, even if she didn't say anything, it could make people feel peaceful.

"Sorry, no one responded when I knocked on the door just now. I was too anxious, so I pushed the door open without authorization."

Tang Qu shook his head: "It's okay, please come in, it's so late, what's the matter?"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, the woman shook her head: "I haven't had a chance to have a good chat with you, so I want to come and have a chat with you tonight."

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