Chapter 122 He really only has Guan Yan

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Tang Yu saw more and more negative news about Tang Qu on the Internet, and smiled more and more proudly.

He had asked his parents in advance. In order to prevent Tang Qu from competing for the family property, Tang Qu went out independently when he was eighteen years old.

So in a sense, Tang Qu has no legal relationship with their family.

How can a person who is just eighteen years old get the money to live in such a luxurious house?

The source of the money is obvious.

With the promotion of caring people, coupled with the ability of netizens to eat melons, it soon emerged that Tang Qu was really adopted, and even found the original record.

The matter of adoption is actually not a black material, it is actually beneficial to Tang Qu when it is used properly.

But the later development of the matter directly pushed Tang Qu to the other side.

Netizens soon discovered that Tang Qu's adoptive father's company had issued a statement in the middle of the night.

【Supporting children to be independent, but knowing that our children have taken improper shortcuts, we are very sad. We hope everyone can treat him kindly and give him a chance. 】

This statement clearly expresses disappointment with the child, but in fact it directly convicts Tang Qu.

Could anything be more real than a parent coming out in person to make a statement?

This is not over yet, Tang Yu also sent a photo immediately afterwards.

It was taken during the Huaxiang Awards Ceremony, and his eyes were still red, as if he had been wronged so much.

【We all have to be strong, stand upright and not be afraid of the shadows slanting! 】

With such a specious sentence, coupled with such a specific photo, it is obvious what Tang Yu wants to express.

All of a sudden Tang Yu's fans went crazy.

[Someone wants to be shameless? Do you want to grab your brother's prize? 】

[Oh my god! This inside story...]

【Fortunately, I still have a crush on him】

[Sure enough, there is a problem with character]

【Yuyu don't cry, you are just too innocent! 】

Tang Yu is young, his fans are younger, and his ability to restrain his fans is even worse.

Now these little fans are flocking to Tang Qu's Weibo, and the content they post is simply unsightly.

Things intensified.

The big V number suddenly released another message, implying that the financial backer behind Tang Qu is the president of China Entertainment.

Yan Hua's name is famous, Tang Qu's resources are top-notch, and he even signed a contract with Guan Yan's studio. This is obviously someone who is a matchmaker in the middle. The only person who has this ability is the current president of China Entertainment.

When Yan Hua, who swiped his phone to eat melons at night, saw this news, he almost fell off the bed. Don't, he doesn't want to be killed by Guan Yan!

Yan Hua thought about it carefully, and wondered if it was necessary for him to issue a statement or something.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" A slightly hoarse voice sounded, and Yan Hua immediately threw the phone aside.

"Why did you wake up?"

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