Chapter 135 Our Xiaoqu is Really Popular

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After Tang Qu found his mobile phone, he found that there was a message from Guan Yan on it.

The corners of her lips couldn't stop rising.

Guan Yan still couldn't bear to be angry with him.

Thinking about going to Tang Qu, he still made a phone call with Guan Yan.

But after waiting for a while, Tang Qu still didn't wait for Guan Yan to answer the phone.

Putting down the phone, Tang Qu walked to the bathroom suspiciously. At this point in time, Guan Yan should have woken up...

He felt a little uneasy, but the news that Guan Yan gave him was another comfort, making him feel less sad.

Tang Qu looked at himself in the mirror while washing, thinking in his heart if he should do something.

Thinking of the gift box again, he secretly made a decision.

When he went downstairs in the morning, Tang Qu remembered again that Guan Yan said that he would arrange for Tan Qingye to come over today, but he didn't know if it was true or not, so he should say hello to the Yi family in advance.

If Tan Qingye really came, there would indeed be some embarrassment.

"Grandpa, Mom, I have a friend who might be at the house this morning."

Yi Wan smiled: "Of course it's good to have friends over. This is your home. Of course it's good if you want to invite friends over. You don't need to report to us."

Tang Qu smiled embarrassedly.

After breakfast, Yi Wan went to play with the flowers and plants, and Mr. Yi went to practice calligraphy. Tang Qu, an idler, finally remembered that he still had some unfinished tasks.

Before Zhang Yong asked him to shoot a few videos, he almost forgot about it.

Tang Qu thought for a while and returned to his room.

He remembered that Yisheng told him before that for his convenience, a small performance room was decorated in the partition of the room for his work.

When Tang Qu opened the door and went in, he was frightened. Is this the little one Yi Sheng said?

The size of this room is almost indistinguishable from his company's practice room.

Whether a person is good depends not on what he says but on what he does.

It can be said that the Yi family has done the best for Tang Qu, and has considered almost everything for Tang Qu.

Tang Qu walked slowly in the room, every detail is the love of the Yi family for him.

After getting the equipment ready, Tang Qu and Zhang Yong chatted about the details of the video and decided what video to shoot.

Tang Qu is an actor, so his videos don't need to sing or dance, just record a few words.

After a while, the staff sent over the first draft, Tang Qu polished it up himself, and started shooting.

After the shooting was over, Tang Qu took a closer look and thought it was okay, so he sent it directly.

Editing these professional things should be left to professional people.

It took Tang Qu a long time to record a video.

Tang Qu originally wanted to communicate with Zhang Yong about other things, but it happened that the servant came up to say that his friend had arrived, so Tang Qu temporarily stopped thinking about it.

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