Chapter 109 Tang Qu Delivered Himself

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Because of Guan Yan's presumptuousness last night, coupled with his teasing after waking up, Tang Qu refused to talk to Guan Yan all afternoon.

Guan Yan tried his best, but Tang Qu just ignored him.

He touched the tip of his nose silently, as if he was amused.

In the end, there was no other way, Guan Yan could only use his chef skills to make up for Tang Qu by cooking a big meal at night.

But Tang Qu looked at those vegetables, and gave Guan Yan a vicious look: "Don't you know my physical condition? Can I eat these?"

Although Guan Yan helped him clean up and apply medicine later, he still feels the pain unbearably. He can't eat these dishes at all!

Guan Yan immediately hugged Tang Qu, and whispered: "Don't worry, I asked the doctor, you can eat these dishes, and you have to have confidence in the ointment I gave you, I guarantee you will recover tomorrow."

Tang Qu looked at Guan Yan suspiciously, and then asked, "Did you ask the doctor? Who did you ask?"

"Tan Qingye." Guan Yan said naturally.

"It turns out that you planned it in advance!"

Guan Yan rubbed his nose: "Isn't this a preparation for our future life?"

"How could anyone prepare for this!"

"You know my ability. I always want to make sure you don't get hurt and make you comfortable. But Xiao Qu'er, your physical strength is really not good enough. You need to exercise more in the future."

"Bah, I don't practice!"

His physical strength is considered good, if he hadn't met Guan Yan, a pervert, how could he have fainted!

The two of them wiped out all the food with one sentence and one sentence.

After dinner, Guan Yan went to work, and Tang Qu read the script. Although he didn't film recently, there were many scripts that came to him. He had to choose one as soon as possible to prepare for the next year. He is a person who likes to plan, no I like to do things according to my mood.

The two took sides in **.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

The only sound in the bedroom is the sound of typing on the keyboard and the occasional sound of paper being turned.

Most of the scripts sent by Zhang Yong this time are movies, because now he has enough exposure and needs a big screen to consolidate his reputation.

Tang Qu flipped through a few books, including protagonists and supporting roles, but he was not very satisfied. In the end, he put the script aside and found a novel to read.

He doesn't care much about the box office in the entertainment industry, he won't act in bad dramas for the box office, so he would rather lack than abuse.

Guan Yan Yuguang noticed Tang Qu's movements and asked, "Did you find a satisfactory script?"

Tang Qu nodded: "I haven't encountered that kind of script that I particularly like."

"take it easy."

Guan Yan himself is also very picky about scripts, so he naturally understands Tang Qu's feelings.

It's just that he took a look at the book with colorful covers in Tang Qu's hand: "Is that how you like novels?"

"Yes! Work quickly, don't talk to me, I'm seeing something wonderful!"

Guan Yan was probably the first person to be disliked because his lover was busy reading novels.

The angry official film king had no choice but to work silently.

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