Chapter 149

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Because of today's incident, Guan Yan's Reuters picture immediately spread on the Internet.

Everyone speculated whether Guan Yan was going to make a big move?

Tang Qu also got it.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, especially when he noticed that there was a photo in which Guan Yan seemed to have lowered the car window by himself. He remembered that Guan Yan didn't seem to like these paparazzi very much.

How could there be such a big move this time?

And let them shoot so obviously?

For the time being, no one will answer Tang Qu's question, because Guan Yan has already arrived.

The staff outside came to inform them: "Teacher Tang, it's time to try on makeup."

Tang Qu and his party walked out of the lounge and saw Guan Yan and the others.

Seeing Guan Yan's posture of yelling and embracing, he complained: "Zhang Yang."

Zhang Yong chuckled lightly: "Are you jealous of others?"

Tang Qu rolled his eyes: "There's nothing to be jealous about, you see he can't take a step at all now, he's slowing down."

Zhang Yong listened to Tang Qu belittle Guan Yan, his eyes were full of smiles.

On the other side, although Guan Yan was overwhelmed by the stars, his eyes were subconsciously looking for Tang Qu.

In a corner, he finally saw Tang Qu showing a faint smile.

Tang Qu has always felt that Guan Yan's smile has a magical power, and every time he sees his smile, he wants to laugh along with him.

Tang Qu also showed a smile.

Only now did Guan Yan feel complete. He hadn't seen Du Tangqu for so long, and he missed Xiaoqu so much.

If Jiang Ge heard this, he would definitely not be able to help complaining, since they had been apart for less than two hours.

Smelly couple.

In the end, it was the director who rescued Guan Yan. On the set, no one's words are easy to use, and only the director is the most effective.

"Spread out, do you want to work overtime today?"

Everyone dispersed in an instant, but they still couldn't help but take a peek at Guan Yan.

Guan Yan is the only re-elected spokesperson of Yanlu. Although other people wear Yanlu's couture, although they will show their status, they will be covered with some color. Only Guan Yan and Yanlu's gait together will make people feel The haute couture of smoke and dew does not match the feeling of Guan Yan.

Guan Yan was born to be a person in the clouds.

I don't know what kind of talent will make this fairy in the cloud fall into the mortal world?

"Tang Qu!"

Hearing the director calling him, Tang Qu hurried over.

"Director." Tang Qu deliberately didn't go to see Guan Yan.

But Tang Qu could feel Guan Yan's eyes on him.

The director can also feel that there seems to be some differences between Guan Yan and Tang Qu, but he is happy to see the results. After all, they have also put in a lot of effort for this short commercial.

"Teachers, let's take a few hard photos for publicity. Because we haven't shot commercials yet, we may not be able to control our emotions so accurately. So I will ask Teacher Guan to take care of Teacher Tang."

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