Chapter 47 I was bitten by a dog last night

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After Tang Qu yelled, no one answered, and he was vigilant. Could it be that a stranger came to the house again?

How many people know about Guan Yan's apartment!

He took out his mobile phone, then walked lightly to the living room.

The house was no different from when he went out in the morning, except that when Tang Qu walked to the sofa, he found a person lying on the sofa.

He stepped forward and took a look, and it turned out to be Guan Yan.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was Guan Yan. He thought some bad guy had come in.

Tang Qu relaxed, the tip of his nose moved slightly, as if he smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Frowning slightly, she sniffed her clothes, it didn't seem so heavy.

Remembering that there was another person in the room, Tang Qu leaned closer to Guan Yan's mouth, and sure enough, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

This person has been drinking? Who drank so much with?

But no one answered Tang Qu's questions.

It was very late, he couldn't let Guan Yan sleep on the sofa alone, but looking at Guan Yan's physique, he probably couldn't afford to hug this man.

In the end, Tang Qu helped the man to the bedroom, walked to the bedroom with a little difficulty, just put the man on the bed, and wanted to get up, but Guan Yan stretched out his hand to hold him, so he threw himself on Guan Yan, And his legs were caught between Guan Yan's legs.

Alcohol can make people excited, this sentence is really true, at this moment Tang Qu clearly felt the burning sensation of Guan Yan's thing, and he jumped up and down.

Because of lying on Guan Yan's body, the two of them were fighting each other to the extreme. In front of Tang Qu was Guan Yan's flawless face, resolute jawline, and sexy lips. Even with his eyes closed, he couldn't stop this The charm of men.

Tang Qu was still immersed in Guan Yan's beauty, when suddenly Guan Yan turned over and directly embedded Tang Qu in his arms.

"Brother Yan?" Tang Qu was confused by this. Is this man awake or drunk?

But there was still no answer.

Tang Qu was discouraged, probably really drunk.

Looking at the powerful hands on his waist, Tang Qu felt a little desperate for a moment. How could he break free with such force on his waist? What if he kept this posture, what would happen tomorrow morning?

However, Tang Xiaoqu had the spirit of doing what he knew he couldn't do, so he twisted his waist, trying to break free from Guan Yan's restraint.

In the end, not only did he not break free, but was buckled even harder, and Guan Yan took him into his arms.

"Don't move." Guan Yan said in a low voice.

Guan Yan's voice was slightly cold, but with a bubbly sound, it was fascinating.

When Tang Qu heard it, he was immediately caught by Su, and a current surged from the tailbone to the brain.

Although Guan Yan had his eyes closed and was a little dazed due to the effects of alcohol, he could feel that he was holding a very soft object. The small object kept moving around, making him uncomfortable, and now he was finally obedient.

But not long after, Tang Qu started to move again, not because he wanted to move, but because Guan Yan kept pushing against him, it was uncomfortable!

When Tang Qu rubbed against Guan Yan, he didn't know where he was.

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