Chapter 88 Don't move, check the post!

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Because of the sponsorship of an investor with an unknown official surname, the entire crew was in this hotel this time, but the others were not as lucky as Tang Qu.

Today, the actors arrived one after another. In the evening, Director Zhang called several actors to go downstairs for dinner.

Leading actor Tang Qu Qi Ze is bound to be invited.

There are also the actors of the small unit story they filmed this time.

An older woman, and a younger boy.

Tang Qu saw that the boy should be about the same age as himself, with fine features, and he was the kind of good-looking boy.

There were several other directors, and we had a dinner together.

Because there was still a scene to be filmed the next day, everyone didn't drink.

But Tang Qu drank a lot of milk.

Qi Ze joked, "How old are you, and you still like drinking milk so much?"

Tang Qu took another sip, his cheeks bulging, and he said after swallowing, "I'm only nineteen years old, and I'm still growing."

Qi Ze suddenly felt that a knife had been stabbed in his chest. That's right, he almost forgot that the boy in front of him, who was skilled in acting and had a gentle personality, was only nineteen years old!

When Tang Qu said that he was only nineteen years old, many people at the table looked at Tang Qu.

They have seen many young people in the entertainment industry, but like this, there are not many young people who can still have this level of development.

In fact, Tang Qu didn't think so himself, but he knew it from the discussion on the topic on the Internet.

The master who played the supporting role has become the Bai Yueguang of many people, and he is regarded as an out-of-the-world character. Afterwards, he starred in a school bullying drama that was named and praised by the higher authorities, and was featured on the cover of quasi-first-line magazines.

There is also the recent powerful Guan Yan's new movie, in which Tang Qu has a role for about ten minutes, what a chance it must be.

In half a year, Tang Qu has leapt from that poor little guy ridiculed by everyone on the Internet to a hot new star in the entertainment industry.

Tang Qu has already seen the most prosperous scenery, and now these are just small troubles in front of him, so he can keep calm in the bustling.

There are actually very few interviews about Tang Qu on the Internet, and Tang Qu will only appear when he cooperates with the crew's publicity.

But it was this kind of attitude that seemed to pull himself out of the outside world that won everyone's favor.

Being motivated at work satisfies the fans, and not making trouble and being a monster improves the popularity of passers-by. Tang Qu has gained everyone's favor with this free attitude.

After dinner, Tang Qu followed the sign and walked towards the toilet.

Just when I was about to open the door and go in, I heard an indescribable groan from inside.

His hand fell into the air in embarrassment.

He has no habit of eavesdropping on people, so he intends to leave directly.

But the sudden raised voice inside made Tang Qu frowned slightly, why was the voice so familiar.

Back in his room, Tang Qu suddenly remembered that it was the voice of the handsome boy during the banquet.

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