Chapter 112 The fifth haute couture dress

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Tang Qu felt that he couldn't even breathe smoothly, and Guan Yan had too much influence on him.

But Tang Qu was not a delicate little girl after all, so after a while, she looked directly into Guan Yan's deep eyes.

"what do you want?"

Guan Yan's fingers slid along Tang Qu's neck to his earlobe, squeezed it lightly, then leaned over and whispered in Tang Qu's ear.

Then he sat up solemnly.

After listening to what Guan Yan said, Tang Qu's cheeks burned, and Tang Qu knew that his cheeks must be hot without touching them.

"Guan Yan!"

How can such a serious person have so many tricks in this kind of thing!

"Well, here we are."

Even though the car had a fender, it still couldn't stop Tang Qu's angry voice.

The two managers in front comforted themselves: Don't be angry, don't be angry, if you are angry, no one will care about the brat!

"If you don't refuse, I will take it as your consent."

"Who promised! I don't want it!"

It's too shameful to wear women's clothes. I used to wear women's clothes because of work, but it's too challenging for him to wear women's clothes in front of Guan Yan.

Although Tang Qu said he refused, his eyes told Guan Yan that his child was just shy.

"Just wear it for me, okay?"

"Your new movie will be released tomorrow, and women's clothing will be exposed in front of the whole country. As your boyfriend, I haven't seen it yet."

Guan Yan coaxed softly, breaking through Tang Qu's psychological defense bit by bit.

When he was about to get off the car, Tang Qu grabbed Guan Yan by the corner of his clothes: "Only once."

Guan Yan smiled, and ran his fingers lightly through Tang Qu's hair: "Good boy."

With a deep voice and a doting tone, Tang Qu felt that he could satisfy Guan Yan even once.

"Guan Yan, what about this trophy?"

"Still put it in the studio."

Jiang Ge shook his head and sure enough, it was still the same. Others were so precious when they won awards. Only Guan Yan would be so casual, and the trophies were thrown in the studio at will.

He had reason to suspect that if it wasn't for someone cleaning the studio, these things would have gone into the trash can long ago.

Then Jiang Ge saw his own artist carefully accepting the trophy from Zhang Yong's hand - Tang Qu's Best Newcomer Award.

"Xiao Qu, go back and put this in the cabinet at home. This is your achievement."

Jiang Ge is speechless, Tang Qu's is an achievement, but your own is a scrap of iron? !

Don't be angry! Get used to it, get used to it!

Afterwards, the two agents drove away, and Tang Qu and Guan Yan also took the elevator upstairs.

In the elevator, the official actor was a little dishonest.

With his arms around Tang Qu's waist, his fingers disheveledly rubbed Tang Qu's waist a few times, with a slight downward trend.

Tang Qu quickly pressed Guan Yan's finger.

"what are you up to?"

Tang Qu's strength was not as strong as Guan Yan's, so he broke free easily.

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