Chapter 143 This is to enhance the relationship with the child

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"You...are you awake all the time?" Tang Qu was so embarrassed that he was caught every time he sneaked up on Guan Yan!

"No, I just woke up when you touched me just now, do you like touching me so much?"

Tang Qu's cheeks were flushed: "Who, who wants to touch you! Don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, I'm talking nonsense, but baby, why did the person who couldn't come back to live last night appear in my bed this morning?"

With Tang Qu's shy personality, how could he say that he came here on purpose?

"You don't care about me."

Seeing Tang Qu's blushing and arrogant look, Guan Yan liked it no matter what he saw.

The most direct response is the lower body.

Tang Qu is not a person who doesn't understand anything, feeling that the thing under his body is getting more and more energetic, he glanced at Guan Yan.

But Tang Qu had no intention of helping Guan Yan to relax.

Not only that, Tang Qu pinched Guan Yan's thigh.

He smiled proudly at Guan Yan.

The lover is so playful, what else can Guan Yan do, let's pamper him, after all Tang Qu is not alone now, even if he wants to mess around, he can't do it.

In order not to make things more and more uncontrollable, Guan Yan had no choice but to let Tang Qu get off his body and lie down on the bed.

He scratched Tang Qu's nose.

"You are really a little grinder."

Tang Qu glanced at Guan Yan's lower body, and couldn't stop laughing.

He stretched out his arms to hug Guan Yan: "Brother Yan, I'm sleepy."

Tang Qu pestered Guan Yan to tell stories last night, so he naturally didn't sleep. He woke up so early this morning and was already sleepy.

Painfully rubbing Tang Qu.

"Sleep, I'll wake you up later."

Tang Qu fell asleep, but Guan Yan woke up.

After all, no man can fall asleep in such a state.

But Guan Yan looked at Tang Qu's abdomen, and his eyes softened instantly.

Forget it, isn't it just a few months, he just endured it.

In the end, Guan Yan didn't solve his own problem, and went directly to sleep with Tang Qu in his arms.

Although Guan Yan and Tang Qu have seen each other often recently, they have never been able to cuddle together and sleep together like this.

In such a comfortable situation, the two slept until almost noon.

Guan Yan woke up a little earlier than Tang Qu.

Looking at the time, he thought about ordering takeaway for a while, and cooking delicious food for Tang Qu in the evening, so he hugged Tang Qu to rest with peace of mind, and waited for Tang Qu to wake up.

It seems that since having a baby, Tang Qu has become lethargic.

At that time, they all thought it was because they had just finished work and suddenly relaxed, so they naturally became lethargic.

It now appears to have been an omen.

Not long after Guan Yan woke up, Tang Qu woke up too.

Tang Qu had to admit that with Guan Yan, he slept much more peacefully than usual.

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