Chapter 73 Do you want to make a bet with me?

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Tang Qu originally wanted to wait for Yu Ting and Dong An to come out, but Guan Yan took him out directly.

"Don't you have to wait for them? What if something happens?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with the two of them."

Tang Qu smiled: "You have a clear view of other people's affairs."

"I can see clearly about myself." Guan Yan turned his head to meet Tang Qu's gaze.

Guan Yan's eyes are a great magic weapon for seductive people. I don't know if others can bear it, but Tang Qu really can't bear it. He feels that he will drown in Guan Yan's eyes in a minute.

He turned his head and looked ahead: "Drive well, if I'm late today, it's all your fault."

Guan Yan smiled and focused on driving.

The filming of the crew was closed, and Guan Yan was familiar with the set, even if the two of them came to the crew together, no one would gossip.

Because today was filming Tang Qu's finale scene, I basically gave Tang Qu the whole morning.

Tang Qu and Guan Yan went to make up together.

Seeing the almost simultaneous movements of the two, Xu Ningjie raised the corners of his mouth silently, and then his face collapsed when he saw the script in his hand. This second prince really doesn't know what to do.

The regent and the new emperor support each other so well, they have to deal with so many things, and the male protagonist, who is usually so shrewd, is so stupid about the regent's affairs!

With this anger, Xu Ningjie went to film the scene of the second prince.

"Tonight, only success is allowed and no failure is allowed! That idiot must be removed!"

The director looked at the replay: "Xiaojie is in this mood, very good, keep it up!"

This kind of emotion just fits the characters in the play.

Guan Yan, who had changed into his clothes and put on a good look, met Xu Ningjie, but was stared at him inexplicably, while Tang Qu laughed straight from the sidelines.

Seeing that they were ready, the director called them over. After all, it was Tang Qu's last scene, so he had to be more cautious.

The scene to be filmed today is probably like this.

The new emperor held a grand enthronement ceremony, but the regent Fu Yeliu still held the power, so the ministers in the court moved their minds. Now that the new emperor has reached the age, he can justifiably hold the power. Dealing with an idiot emperor is comparable to It is much easier to deal with a regent who has been in the officialdom for a long time.

Today the palace held a dinner party, and the second prince, who is now Prince Jin, made the decision to select a group of outstanding singers to perform dances in the palace.

The dinner was full of singing, dancing and music, and the ministers mingled with each other, but no one knew what kind of people's hearts were like across the belly.

As the emperor Guan Yan sat at the first place, the seat next to him should have been reserved for the central palace, but because the emperor was not married yet, Fu Yeliu was now sitting in that seat.

Halfway through the banquet, Prince Jin got up and walked to the center of the hall.

"Brother Huang, you have been on the throne for a long time, but there is no one around you to solve your problems. You are in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the regent is also a person with few desires. Unexpectedly, the younger brother and several ministers prepared a song and dance performance for you. I also invite the emperor to appreciate it."

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