Chapter 10 Movie Premiere

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Tang Qu didn't expect the opportunity to get to know Guan Yan to come so soon.

On the weekend, he went to Zhang Lao's house again as agreed with Zhang Lao.

Mr. Zhang was very happy to see that Tang Qu had arrived a little earlier than the agreed time. Nowadays, many newcomers who are fledgling have no idea of ​​time at all.

And this whole afternoon, Tang Qu felt that he had learned a lot.

In the past, he was mostly struggling in the entertainment industry by himself. Although he also came from a major, he really entered the entertainment industry and started acting. The knowledge in textbooks is useless. All his acting skills are the same. Click and dig out by yourself.

No one knows how much hard work is behind the glamorous actor Tang.

This afternoon, not only Tang Qu was satisfied, but Mr. Zhang was also very satisfied.

Tang Qu is the most talented actor he has seen in recent years, and the child has a humble attitude, and he really came here with a heart to learn.

The more Zhang Lao looked at Tang Qu, the more satisfied he became.

When Tang Qu was leaving at night, Zhang Lao stopped him: "Tang Qu, I have a movie ticket for tomorrow's premiere, but tomorrow I have an appointment with an old friend to play chess, and I can't go, so go for me."

Tang Qu took a closer look and saw that it was the new movie "Light and Shadow", which was recently promoted very hotly. The leading role of this movie was Guan Yan.

Look at Zhang Lao, Zhang Lao is smiling, Tang Qu can't see what Zhang Lao means.

Although he didn't understand Zhang Lao's thoughts, Tang Qu was really interested in this movie. He wanted to know what Guan Yan's level is now?

When Tang Qu was about to leave, he heard Mr. Zhang say, "Xiao Qu, as an actor, what you need most is a breakthrough."

After saying this, he leisurely went to drink tea.

Tang Qu was stunned behind him.

In fact, Zhang Lao’s intention is to let Tang Qu understand that there is no way out by imitating other people’s dramas. Only by finding your own way of acting can you have a long-lasting way. Giving Tang Qu a movie ticket is to let Tang Qu understand the relationship between himself and Guan Yan. The gap, he and Guan Yan are not the same people at all.

But Mr. Zhang didn't know that Tang Qu's soul had already changed inside, and Tang Qu now naturally wouldn't imitate Guan Yan's acting style, so Tang Qu couldn't understand Mr. Zhang's painstaking efforts for the time being.

Zhang Yong came to pick up Tang Qu at night, and Tang Qu told Zhang Yong about the movie ticket.

Zhang Yong smiled: "This is a good thing. You can go and see the premiere of the movie tomorrow. Since you have decided to take the road of the entertainment industry, you must have a deep understanding of Guan Yan based on your current situation. He said, don't imitate him anymore, his group of women soldiers, people in the circle generally can't afford to provoke them."

Tang Qu was puzzled: "Women's Army?"

Zhang Yong looked at Tang Qu: "You don't know? It's Guan Yan's fan."

Tang Qu still knows something about this: "Guan Yan's fans are called Women's Army?"

Zhang Yong nodded: "Actually, it's not entirely true. Originally, Guan Yan's fans were called Niangzi, but later because the fans were too fierce and out of the circle, they became Niangzijun."

Tang Qu thought about it, and Guan Yan couldn't help laughing when he called his fan girl with that arrogant expression.

But with a smile, Tang Qu thought of his fans. His fans also have names. They are a group of very gentle and lovely people, and they are the hope in times of despair.

In fact, Tang Qu is not a genius in the traditional sense. His teacher told him when he was in school that he could not make great achievements in the entertainment circle, but Tang Qu did not give up. He just likes acting, and finally he resolutely joined the entertainment circle , and at the most difficult time, the fans gathered around him gave him the greatest warmth, supporting him to reach the highest position step by step.

In addition to his own efforts to get to the top, that group of lovely people also contributed.

Zhang Yong watched Tang Qu beside him remain silent, and comforted him, "It's okay, when you make your official debut, you will have many fans, and you can name them by then." He thought Tang Qu was envious Other people's fans.

Tang Qu nodded, fan, in his opinion, is a warm word.

"Okay, let's go upstairs and rest early. I have something to deal with tomorrow. I can't accompany you to the movie premiere. Can you go by yourself?"


"Dress up better." Zhang Yong had observed Tang Qu's clothes before, and they were not amazing, but average. However, they have improved a little recently. However, some courses on clothing matching should be arranged. In Zhang Yong's opinion , Tang Qu's collocation is too simple, without the vigor of young people.

At this time, Tang Qu didn't know that Zhang Yong had already arranged a full course for him.

Zhang Lao’s shot must not be Fanpin. At first, Tang Qu thought that Zhang Lao’s ticket was for ordinary seats, but he didn’t expect that Zhang Lao’s ticket was in the middle front row, one of the best seats in the audience!

It would be appropriate for Tang Qu to sit in such a position before, but now he remembers that he is still a rookie! Isn't it good to sit in such a position.

Tang Qu arrived early, except for the media behind him, almost no one showed up. After all, Tang Qu was a newcomer and could not attract the attention of these media, but his appearance and his sitting position were too special. Many media Still took a few photos of Tang Qu.

Tang Qu didn't pay much attention to these lights, and no media would reserve a place for a new face like him.

But Tang Qu is now thinking about another question, whether he should leave directly, after all, his identity is more or less embarrassing to stay here, but if he leaves, it is estimated that he will really attract attention, the new movie of the official actor He left the meeting without looking at it, Tang Qu could imagine what those unscrupulous media would write.

In the end, seeing that there were more people around, Tang Qu decided to stay here, since he came here, he couldn't have nothing to gain.

Comforting himself like this, Tang Qu calmed down.

There are people whispering in the rows in front of Tang Qu,

"Who's that up there?"

The person next to him glanced back inadvertently, then turned his head and said to the person beside him, "I don't know you, let's make some faces."

"But where is he sitting? The tickets there are all sent out by the leading actors."

Both of them couldn't help being curious about the person in that position, they looked very young, they didn't look like seniors, and there didn't seem to be such a person in the entertainment industry.

"Why do I feel that this person looks familiar?"

"Shh~ Stop talking, Guan Yan is here!" The person who raised the question at the beginning moved the people around him and said a little excitedly.

The two immediately went to see Guan Yan, and stopped paying attention to Tang Qu.

Guan Yan bowed politely in front of the curtain, and then gave a simple speech. After the director spoke, the film premiere officially began.

And Guan Yan also walked to the position next to Tang Qu.

The moment Guan Yan sat down, the woman just now suddenly said to the people around him: "That's Tang Qu, the person who recently imitated the official best actor and took advantage of his popularity!"

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