Chapter 15 The world's most

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Unexpectedly, it was Director Chen himself who signed the contract with Tang Qu. Zhang Yong was a little surprised when he saw him, but he restrained his surprise.

Director Chen is very kind most of the time except when he is filming.

"Come here, you are Tang Qu, Mr. Zhang introduced you to me, but he praised you as a flower."

Tang Qu smiled shyly: "The teacher is exaggerating too much. I am still a newcomer who needs to learn a lot."

Director Chen nodded and handed over the contract.

Zhang Yong first took a look at Tang Qu, seeing that Tang Qu didn't intend to take the contract, so he took the contract himself, and then signed the contract.

"Pleasant cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."

After sending Tang Qu away, the assistant director asked, "Director Chen, do you think he is really qualified for this role?"

"Didn't you already see it?"

The assistant director sighed: "This segment is indeed amazing, but who can say for sure what follows?"

Director Chen squinted at the assistant director: "What do you mean?"

"This is the information we just obtained." The assistant director handed over the tablet computer in his hand. This is a video uploaded on the Internet some time ago, and he just discovered it.

Director Chen frowned and finished watching the short film.

"Can such an actor whose acting skills are unstable, and who may even be suspected of cheating on others, really be able to play Qingxuan well?"

What kind of role Qingxuan is, they know better without being a director.

The role of Qingxuan can be regarded as the soul role in the early stage, and this role is really like a banished fairy. Qingxuan's appearance is the best in the three worlds, elegant but not dull, with cold eyes and contemptuous eyes. At that time, they searched for actors of the right age in the entire entertainment industry , I didn’t find a suitable actor at all. The appearance is good, the temperament is not suitable, and the appearance of the temperament is not so amazing. They are worried that they lose their hair every day. Those who are picky are naturally not allowed to perfunctory at will.

At the audition just now, they were fascinated by Tang Qu just because of his looks and temperament. The other party's acting skills made them even more amazing, but the other party is still a newcomer after all, too new for them, even with Zhang Lao's recommendation , and there is no way to guarantee the stability of this person's acting skills. By then, their entire crew will become this kid's sharpening stone.

Director Chen tapped his fingers on the table, and he didn't speak for a long time. Apart from relying on these plots, he relied on his own intuition. He was very confident in his casting, and believed in his first choice. Intuition, facts have proved that every time he chooses is correct.

After staring at the contract for a long time, Director Chen said to the assistant director: "The contract is all signed, so it's up to him."

Although the assistant director was worried about Tang Qu, he trusted his director even more.

"Okay, listen to Brother Chen."

On the other side, Zhang Yong was very happy along the way, tapping the steering wheel with his fingers uncontrollably.

"Brother Yong, why are you so happy?" Tang Qu was a little surprised, since Brother Yong had been excited since signing the contract.

"I'm happy for you to be able to get this role. Naturally, I'm very happy that the people I lead are recognized."

In fact, Zhang Yong is not only happy about this, he is even happier because of Tang Qu's attitude. The newcomer who has just entered the circle, most of the time he is vigilant against everyone, and he is also defensive against his agent. In the end, the two sides often There will be huge disagreements over one thing. It's like signing a contract. They always like to point and point, and in the end they often end up being both sides, wasting a lot of opportunities, but like Tang Qu, directly handing over all the power to him is an expression of trust in him. He is naturally happy.

Tang Qu smiled, and then looked out the car window. In fact, it was a bit bullying for him. However, the entertainment industry is a place that eats people and does not spit out their bones. Either they have excellent strength or a strong backstage, otherwise they will only be bullied. Now he does not have a strong backstage and can only rely on strength. Tang Qu sighed. This feeling of starting from scratch is really indescribably complicated.

Because Tang Qu was still a newcomer, there were no activities, so Zhang Yong sent him home directly.

"Recently, take a good rest, join the group in a few days, and it would be even better if you can lose weight recently. I have paid attention to the script. Your role this time is a little thin. Going on camera will visually widen the actors, so try to make yourself thinner Some."

In fact, when Zhang Yong said this, he couldn't bear it. Let alone Tang Qu was still a student, just looking at his figure, at 1.8 meters tall, he probably didn't even weigh a hundred and ten catties. But the lens is really a scary thing, and Director Chen is notorious for not using filters, so if he wants to look good, it all depends on the actor's own control.

Tang Qu has no objection to this. As an actor, it is common to gain weight and lose weight in a short period of time.

"Okay, Brother Yong, I will pay attention."

Looking at Tang Qu's obedient expression and his obedient walking posture, Zhang Yong really felt that his artist was the most obedient artist in the world.

However, what Zhang Yong didn't know was that there was a man who was also a manager who was frantically looking for his artist all over the world.

"You guys can't stand Guan Yan! Half of the filming is gone, why hire you guys?" Jiang Ge looked at the group of assistants in front of him with a headache, so the older Guan Yan was gone!

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, our official brother has disappeared not once or twice."

"Not in a hurry? Can I not be in a hurry? There are several sponsors waiting to have this meal with Brother Guan, but he is fine and left!"

When Jiang Ge was in a hurry, the phone rang, and it was a special prompt tone, and he quickly picked it up: "Ancestor, please tell me before you leave!..."

Guan Yan took the phone away, and only approached him after the other party finished speaking: "You handle it over there."

"Several sponsors are waiting for your favor!"

"A beta version of the notebook."

"Okay, brother, don't worry here."

The assistants were not surprised at Jiang Ge, who changed his face in a second. Brother Guan often disappeared, and he used this trick every time. It became a habit.

"Brother Jiang, us?"

"Go, pack your things and go back."

"What about those sponsors?"

"Who cares about them? They just want to take advantage of our family's official Yan because of how much money they have, and don't care about how much they are. Are they worthy?"

Jiang Ge's face-changing skills are really top-notch, and the presidents of several companies in the top 500 companies in the world are just left alone, and they are not taken seriously.

But thinking about the identity of their boss, it seems that there is really no need to take these people seriously.

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