Chapter 87 Money, he has never had a concept

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Du Yan, who was full of worries, returned to the set and looked at Tang Qu, who was serious about filming, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Tang Qu didn't know that he was about to be sold by his boss.

In fact, she has long been used to this kind of thing. There is no relationship in their circle, and everything is based on interests.

Huaxia Entertainment is a top-level company in the industry. It is undoubtedly a good thing to join this company. Countless newcomers also dream of becoming Huaxia Entertainment one day, and then fly to the branches and become phoenixes.

But Tang Qu's identity is very embarrassing. What kind of identity does he join China Entertainment?

If this were placed in Xiaoqu in ancient times, he would be regarded as a prisoner of the confrontation between the two armies. If he went to Huayu, he would only be drained of his value.

Although Xiaoqu has made some achievements now, he is nothing in China Entertainment, and if he goes to China Entertainment, if Xiaoqu is bullied, although Guan Yan is the actor, he may not be useful in China Entertainment.

She knew a little bit of inside information, and the person behind the scenes of China Entertainment was someone that the entire entertainment industry would not dare to mess with.

Tang Qu went to China Entertainment, and his treatment will undoubtedly drop a lot. Although the company is not big now, Tang Qu, as the current first brother, enjoys a very high treatment.

"What are you thinking, so focused?"

"Brother Yong, do you think Huayu is suitable for Brother Qu?"

Zhang Yong's eyes sharpened, and his voice became serious: "What do you mean?"

It was unintentional to choose Du Yan as an assistant at the beginning, but there must be no mistakes in the person given by the company. He didn't check carefully at the beginning, and then he did some research. Du Yan, a little girl, has always been trained as a manager Yes, such a person either has his own advantages, or has a strong network. After all, for a broker, the network is the most important.

So Du Yan suddenly asked such a sentence, it was definitely not a whim.

Zhang Yong is usually a little lazy, but when he encounters Tang Qu's matter, his whole aura will change.

"Brother Yong, there are so many people here, it's inconvenient to talk about it, let's talk privately when we go back."


Later, the two were busy taking care of Tang Qu, so they didn't talk about it.

When going back at night, Du Yan processed what Yi Sheng told her a little bit, and told Tang Qu and Zhang Yong.

Although you can't say it directly, it's okay to remind Tang Qu to make plans early.

After hearing the news from Du Yan, Tang Qu began to feel pain in his head.

He really doesn't want to change to another company. This company doesn't oppress and has a good atmosphere. It is most suitable for people like him who don't want to be popular. If they change to another company, they won't be treated so well.

Seeing that Tang Qu was still groggy when he got out of the car, Zhang Yong patted him: "You don't have to be embarrassed, I will definitely not let you suffer!"

Without saying anything else, Tang Qu nodded lightly.

While walking home, Tang Qu thought, if he really joined China Entertainment, it would actually be a good thing for the people in the company.

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