Chapter 34 Another day on the hot search

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China Entertainment's full name is Huaxia Entertainment. This entertainment company has a long history. There are several top-tier stars in the company. There are countless first-line stars like Yu Ting and so on. Although many people have gone out to open their own studios, they are still artists of Huaxia Entertainment on the bright side. Other entertainment companies in the circle are in their eyes. Just playing around.

And the person behind Shen Chun is a shareholder of China Entertainment.

After listening to Du Yan's description, Tang Qu's pretty brows frowned. He doesn't participate in the unspoken rules of the circle, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand the rules. Although the stars sound glamorous, they have the right to speak in this circle What's needed is capital, and China Entertainment is undoubtedly the most powerful among them. Even if it is a small shareholder, its weight is not light.

If the other party really makes a move in this endorsement, it will definitely not work with their strength.

Zhang Yong patted Tang Qu: "It's okay, Xiao Qu, don't put pressure on yourself, this is my own private matter, but I want to involve you in it."

"Brother Yong, this is not just your business. Now that I have come, I will naturally find a way to get the most fair result."

Although he is not a holy mother, the incident of Xingshu touched him. In this circle, everyone who works hard should be respected. Even if they are not at the top, they are definitely not at the age of flowers, because these Dirty things cost lives.

Tang Qu gently stroked the scar on his wrist: "Brother Yong, since the result hasn't come out yet, then we don't have to pay too much attention to it. If we're lucky, we'll pass it."

"That's right, our brother Qu is so powerful, we will definitely be able to pass!"

Zhang Yong smiled: "Yes."

After a whole day of tossing, Du Yan reminded Tang Qu at night, and Tang Qu remembered that he would be appearing in the drama "Devil Soul" tonight.

Usually when he is filming, he will watch replays, because most of the time he does not have time to watch movies. Today is a rare free time, so he took his mobile phone to post Weibo, then prepared a fruit platter, sat on the sofa, hugged the pillow and felt at ease Chase drama.

Although he has few roles, he also has a general understanding of this drama. Although it is not a particularly novel subject, it is definitely a hot topic at the moment, which is very useful for increasing popularity.

There are two main scenes in his play tonight, the ceremony of accepting disciples and giving gifts to the protagonist. This play is actually interspersed with memories and reality. What he cares most about in the world is his master Qingxuan Venerable.

Apart from paying attention to the plot, Tang Qu also pays attention to whether there are any problems with his performance. Generally speaking, he is passable. It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, it's just that the habits left over for many years are difficult to correct.

As an actor, when watching dramas or movies, he subconsciously pays attention to the acting skills of the characters, and he can't help but do so, but Tang Qu suddenly thought of a person, someone recently, who made him ignore the acting skills and concentrate on the plot. He had to admit that the man's acting skills were so natural and so attractive.

It's just that the person's private behavior was too inconsistent with his decent acting skills. Tang Qu remembered that in the lounge that day, that person was too unruly.

Hurry up and stop your own thoughts, what kind of associations are these.

Checking the time, it was quite late, Tang Qu glanced at the phone again, there was no important news, turned off the network, and rested.

But what Tang Qu didn't know was that since he fell asleep, there was another bloodbath on the Internet.

In addition to his plot, the plot of "Magic Soul" tonight also includes the male protagonist. After four episodes, the male protagonist has evolved from a punk to a powerful monk. The progress is much faster, and the netizens are enjoying themselves, and they are on the hot search after shouting.

Originally, it was not a big deal for Director Chen to have such a result, but when the netizens were about to go to bed, Guan Yan's fans discovered that their man who hadn't been online for a long time actually went online! ! !

Then the fans waited anxiously for what Guan Yan was going to do. After all, this man didn't go online late at night just to get fans.

Lived up to expectations, Guan Yan liked other people's Weibo, not just one, but three Weibos in one go, and left a message, and then the fans were dumbfounded, what happened to Brother Guan recently? ? ?

After the fans clicked on it, they found that it was Director Chen’s announcement about "Magic Soul" that they liked. They were relieved. They thought it was a big deal. It turned out to be the support between friends. Looking down, Then I looked at Yu Ting's Weibo. No one in the entertainment industry knew that Yu Ting was Guan Yan's nephew, and it was no problem to support his own children. Keep scrolling, and here comes the problem.

Guan Yan liked Tang Qu's Weibo, and then left a message with the word "Looking forward".

Netizens are stunned, this, this, this... Not long ago, Tang Qu was ridiculed by the whole network for imitating the official actor, and even the official actor posted on Weibo? What's happening here.

Then this topic went straight to the top of the hot search at the speed of a rocket.

Netizens who were a little bit sleepy suddenly regained their spirits.

Some netizens secretly posted a few microblogs

[It seems to smell the breath of melon. 】

[I feel like I want to watch the face-slapping plot live]

[What's the situation, I'm surfing 2G? ? ? 】

In any case, tonight, the netizens came to their spirits. Tang Qu’s initial black spot was because he imitated Guan Yan, and he was suspected of gaining popularity, and he was not the only actor who did this. Many netizens thought that this was because the official actor was irritated and decided to face it head-on, but looking at the situation of the official actor, it seemed that something was wrong.

Zhang Yong and Du Yan also received the news, but they disappeared after the official actor liked it, and they couldn't figure out what the official actor was thinking, so they just ignored it. I watched my nephew's drama.

When Tang Qu woke up, he was told by others that today was another day when he was on the trending searches. He hadn't been on the trending searches so often before!

When Tang Qu saw Guan Yan's likes and comments, he was stunned. What is this Guan Yan doing?

At the same time, Guan Yan's fans were also dumbfounded. What was his idol doing? Not long ago, they were still boycotting Tang Qu. Could it be that they were going to be slapped in the face by their idol?

After Tang Qu thought about it, he couldn't help but respond, and replied: "Thank you, the official actor." He shook his hand and added a loving expression. Tang Qu looked at that expression awkwardly, but he couldn't withdraw it, so he could only pretend that he didn't see it. up.

Unexpectedly, not long after replying, Guan Yan immediately replied "Good boy" and added a loving expression.

Tang Qu was confused, and so were the netizens. What kind of development is this? What are they missing!

At the same time, Guan Yan's studio posted a Weibo, which aroused restlessness among netizens.

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