Chapter 68 The official always wants unspoken rules!

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Finally, under Guan Yan's various threats and temptations, Tang Qu finally finished drinking the milk.

"Is it that bad?" Seeing Tang Qu's bitter and bitter look, Guan Yan smiled very happily.

"You don't know anything about my pain."

He really couldn't accept the faint fishy smell in the milk.

"Let's discuss whether we can drink it every two or three days in the future." Tang Qu blinked his watery eyes, trying to pass the test by "cute".

Guan Yan has always been responsive to Tang Qu's requests, but today he is not so easy to talk to.


Guan Yan's words immediately made Tang Qu lose face.

"Hmph! Then go wash the dishes yourself, I'm going back to my room to work!"

Seeing Tang Qu's angry little steps, Guan Yan's eyes were full of smiles.

Tang Qu said that he wanted to work was not just out of anger. Brother Yong said before that he would help him choose the script, but he just sent it last night, and he hadn't had time to read it yet.

In fact, Tang Qu doesn't like electronic scripts very much, but it's so convenient, so he can only use it first.

A total of three scripts were sent over.

Tang Qu looked at it, and there were two that he liked very much.

One is a suspense theme, and the other is an ancient love theme, but it is more about family and country feelings. Both scripts have brilliant points, and Tang Qu had a hard time making a choice.

I read the two scripts again from beginning to end, and it was still difficult to choose.

When Guan Yan entered the room, he saw Tang Qu sitting on the bay window. The golden sunlight shone on Tang Qu's body, casting a thin layer of gold, like a dream.

Men who work hard are the prettiest, and Tang Qu at this moment is the most beautiful scenery in Guan Yan's eyes.

Guan Yan walked over slowly with light steps and saw the script on the screen of the notebook. He didn't look at it carefully, but continued to look at Tang Qu.

Tang Qu realized that there was someone behind him, and raised his head, because his eyes were blurred for a moment because he had been staring at the screen.

Guan Yan looked at Tang Qu, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses and buttoning his shirt meticulously, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

Xiao Qu's appearance now made him want to bully him severely, it would be best if there were tears rolling down the corners of his fragile eyes, the scenery must be beautiful.

"How did you get in?"

"I have nothing to do, so I came in to accompany you."

"Why are you so idle?" Tang Qu was not joking, but genuinely questioned.

Shouldn't a superstar like Guan Yan have a full schedule? Even if he doesn't care about the affairs in the circle, just looking at their family, he knows that the company will definitely inherit it. Doesn't the boss have to take care of the company's affairs?

As if he knew what Tang Qu was thinking, Guan Yan said, "With my current status, I can arrange my schedule freely. As for the company, if it needs me as the boss every day, then what's the point of hiring these employees?"

When Tang Qu thought about it, he was quite right.

"What were you worrying about just now? It seems that you are going to eat this notebook because of your entanglement."

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