Chapter 114 The Savior Has Arrived

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"Brother" premiered, and Tang Qu won the best newcomer at the Huaxiang Awards last night, so Tang Qu's topic of conversation tonight is naturally at the top.

But what people didn't expect was that the topic that rushed to the front turned out to be #婷婚系神唐沟#

This topic has attracted countless people to click on it.

The most amazing scene of the episode aired tonight is the scene where Tang Qu's women's clothing appeared for the first time.

The popularity of that scene directly rose to the first place.

[In the future, I will not only have to worry about women robbing me of my husband, but also about men! cry! 】

[Jimei upstairs is more sober, do you think there is no such thing before? 】

[The cold eyes of the goddess hit the soul directly! 】

[I'm going to change the wallpaper! ! ! 】

[As a pure girl, my waist is not as thin as Tang Xiaoqu's? 】

Netizens enjoyed watching it very happily. The main character's appearance is online, IQ is online, and the director's aesthetic is online. This kind of drama can be addicted in three minutes, okay?

According to the normal broadcast speed, on the first day, many production crews would choose to update six episodes at a time for the convenience of publicity, but director Zhang Zhe reluctantly released two episodes.

And Director Zhang Zhe also posted a Weibo

[Only two episodes! ! ! 】It also comes with an emoticon package of "Hit me if you don't accept it".

Netizens who watched the two episodes were so angry, they left messages one after another, and Director Zhang followed suit.

Curious netizens looked at this joyful interaction, took a look curiously, and then came back cursing and replying to Director Zhang's Weibo.

Why does this person owe so much? !

Tang Qu and Guan Yan turned off the TV after watching two episodes.

Tang Qu leaned on Guan Yan and yawned, "I'm sleepy."

Originally, he slept late last night, exhausting his physical strength and energy, so he had to catch up on sleep tonight.

Guan Yan didn't let go of him either, and carried him directly back to the room.

She wiped Tang Qu's face with a wet towel very thoughtfully, and then washed Tang Qu's feet.

When Guan Yan held his foot, Tang Qu couldn't help trembling slightly. He thought of the man who grabbed his ankle last night. The man's hand was so strong that he couldn't help it, so he could only beg for mercy.

Tang Qu's feet are a bit slender, with blue veins visible from the instep, but the toes are round and round, very cute.

Guan Yan washed Tang Qu carefully, looking as if he was doing something extremely sacred.

Tang Qu couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to take his feet back.

"Yes, it's alright."

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