Chapter 38 Mature inner impulsive body

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The way Tang Qu looked at Guan Yan changed obviously, and he actually agreed? ! This is not scientific!

He's not a cute little girl, there's no benefit in living with him, okay?

Zhang Yong and Du Yan's eyes became wary for a moment. They had never heard any rumors about Guan Yan's private life being chaotic or anything in the circle, but their Xiaoqu was so obedient and cute. If Guan Yan moved What to do!

Isn't it just to lure wolves into the house? Xiaoqu still doesn't know how to resist at all, in case Guan Yan gives her...

At this time, Zhang Yong and Du Yan had completely forgotten how calm Tang Qu was at the hotel that night, and that Guan Yan was still their benefactor.

Jiang Ge looked at Tang Qu's manager across the street, and then thought about the careless Guan Yan next to him. Well, Guan Da's image as a film king has completely collapsed.

My official film king, even if you are hungry|thirsty, can you not be so obvious! ! !

"Manager Bai, isn't this arrangement inappropriate? I've never heard of any kind of commercial shooting that requires the spokesperson to live together." Zhang Yong was also taken aback for a moment, and then directly asked the person who made the suggestion. people.

Manager Bai was also stunned. She thought it was Guan Yan who was going to spend more time talking, but now it turned out to be the other way around. Guan Yan agreed, but Tang Qu didn't seem so willing.

She was going to suspect that Guan Yan in front of her was a fake.

"This is the company's advertising idea, because the content of this shooting needs to be well understood by both parties. The feeling we want to shoot is different from the previous advertising. In order to cultivate, we can only need the cooperation of the two, and what is the performance? Can the real one be more contagious?"

"Don't Manager Bai think that this arrangement is a bit sloppy? After all, because of their occupations, they are usually very busy. Even if they live together, there will be very few opportunities to meet each other. How about cultivating the feeling of shooting commercials? "

Manager Bai smiled: "It is precisely for this reason that they need to live together. Only in this way can they have time to spend together. After all, no matter how busy they are, they always have to go home."

This was so reasonable that they couldn't refute it.

In fact, Manager Bai is a little puzzled. Such a request is of great benefit to Tang Qu. After all, the two of them must be different from strangers after spending more than half a year together. In the future, Guan Yan will always meet in the circle Taking care of one or two, he has a good relationship with Guan Yan, and people in the circle will always give him some face.

Furthermore, as long as he agrees to this request, Yan Dee's endorsement is a certainty. With Yan Dee by his side, Tang Qu has basically opened the door to luxury endorsements, and he can be called qualified no matter what he endorses in the future.

On the contrary, Tang Qu refused Yan Dee's endorsement. From now on, no matter what brand it is, it will weigh whether to invite Tang Qu to be its spokesperson. After all, Yan Dee's status is different.

Zhang Yong looked at Tang Qu. Although he wanted to agree from the manager's point of view, he still had to respect Tang Qu's opinion. After all, he lived with a stranger for a long time, even though he was a stranger who had the grace to save his life. , but this is still a very personal matter after all.

All of a sudden, everyone in the conference room focused their attention on Tang Qu.

Being stared at by so many people, Tang Qu is still as calm as ever, and others can think of him naturally, so for such a request, he must not be able to refuse now, but he is more puzzled, why Guan Yan would agree No matter how you look at it, it's not good for Guan Yan.

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