Chapter 57

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After Guan Yan came out of the play, he found Tang Qu in front of the monitor, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

Taking the tissue from Jiang Ge's hand, he cleaned up the dirt on his body as he walked.

"Want to watch the replay?" Tang Qu stood up to make room for Guan Yan.

Guan Yan shook his head: "No, what do you think?"

Seeing the man staring at him firmly, and the panic in his eyes, combined with the performance just now, Tang Qu understood what was going on, and burst out laughing.

Why is Guan Yan so cute?

Walking to Guan Yan's side, he gave a thumbs up: "Excellent."

Seeing the instant look in Guan Yan's eyes, Tang Qu approached: "Are you so happy?"

"Don't you know if I'm happy?" Guan Yan pretended to be calm, but his upbeat tone had completely exposed his heart.

The two of them here are very close, and the people around couldn't hold back their curiosity and wanted to see it, but the official actor's momentum was too strong and he didn't have the courage.

But there was still one person who dared to take the risk to see it, and that was our sister Wen.

Sister Wen was still very speechless about the official actor who threw herself away after filming.

Looking at those two people, looking from her, he couldn't see Tang Qu's face clearly, and was blocked by Guan Yan.

But being able to get in touch with Guan Yan so closely, Tang Qu's identity is self-evident.

"Sister Wen, don't look at it, let's tidy up, we have to catch up with the next announcement." The assistant helped Sister Wen put on her clothes.

Sister Wen glanced over there again, then followed the assistant and turned to leave.

"Do you think a person like Guan Yan really loves someone?"

The assistant doesn't speak, she is sister Wen's assistant, can she not understand what her boss is thinking?

Although Sister Wen looked forthright, she still had some girlish thoughts in her heart, and her thoughts were Guan Yan.

"Sister Wen, a person like him seems to be very close, but in fact he is more defensive than anyone else. There are very few who can get close to him, let alone a lover." The assistant's voice was calm.

She knew that Sister Wen fell in love with Guan Yan at first sight. If it hadn't been for Guan Yan, Sister Wen would not have agreed to the one-two-minute scene this time. Yan Yan together, such a cold-hearted person, will not love.

Sister Wen stopped suddenly: "He will, but the one he loves is not me."

At this moment, she was suddenly relieved. Ever since the filming just ended, when Guan Yan stared at that person, and then rushed to that person, she knew that she would never have another chance.

When a person who doesn't know how to love sees everyone else, it means that he has found someone who he wants to cherish all his life.

On the other side, Guan Yan clings to Tang Qu, and Director Tan can't stand it anymore.

"Enough is enough, Xiaoqu is going to put on makeup." Director Tan stared at Guan Yan.

Guan Yan didn't take it seriously: "There's no rush." ​​He had said before that Xiao Qu's acting skills were no worse than his, but Director Tan didn't believe it, and insisted on giving Tang Qu all the time this afternoon. Didn't he distrust him?

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