Chapter 50

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"You are really different in front of the students." Tang Qu said with emotion on the way home.

"What's the difference?"

"Teacher Guan is very gentle."

Guan Yan smiled, and turned to look at Tang Qu at the red light: "Aren't I more gentle in front of you?"

"Gentle? I don't feel anything at all." Unable to bear Guan Yan's gaze, Tang Qu turned his face to the other side.

Guan Yan's laughter made Tang Qu's heart beat slightly faster.

"It's too late today, let's eat outside." Tang Qu changed the topic.

"Okay. Is there somewhere you want to go?"

Tang Qu shook his head: "I don't have any familiar places, you can choose."


Looking at the street lights flashing by outside the car window, Tang Qu suddenly felt that why did he and Guan Yan feel like an old married couple now?

Old couple? All of a sudden, I was amused by my own thoughts.

Guan Yan Yuguang noticed Tang Qu's smile. Although he didn't know what the child was laughing at, it didn't prevent his mood from getting better. In fact, he was very happy every minute and every second with Tang Qu.

There were a lot of people eating at night, so there were no boxes when the two arrived, so they could only choose a seat in the lobby. Fortunately, there were a few trees around the seats for decoration, which covered them up and saved a lot of money for the two of them. less trouble.

"There are a lot of people at the moment, we should go back to eat, and the food here is so expensive." Tang Qu was stunned when he saw the menu just now. Very common dishes can be sold at sky-high prices here.

"Don't feel sorry for the money, just treat it as you feel sorry for me, and save me from making dinner once."

"But I think asking you to cook dinner is definitely not as expensive as eating here."

"Xiao Qu, you're thinking wrong. If you sell me, I might not be able to pay you once."

Tang Qu rolled his eyes: "Who is bored, please cook?"

Guan Yan smiled: "If there are not tens of millions of people, there will be millions of people."

"Narcissism." Tang Qu scolded with a smile.

"Xiao Qu, don't you eat ginger and garlic?" He had seen Tang Qu pick out these things several times.

"Well, my stomach hurts easily when I eat it." Actually, he doesn't have this problem himself, it belongs to this body. Once he ate by mistake, the pain almost sent him away.

The two were talking, when suddenly a harsh voice from the next door startled Tang Qu.

Turning his head subconsciously, it turned out that a glass on the next table broke.

"What's the matter with you waiter? Can you walk? If the broken glass shards stabbed my son in the face, can you afford it? My son is going to play the leading role!" The sharp voice of the woman at the next table came to Tang Qu ear.

Tang Qu's hand holding the chopsticks paused.

Guan Yan glanced at Tang Qu's expression, leaned slightly, and looked at the next table.

I only heard that the woman was still reluctant to give up to the waiter: "It's not that I look down on the waiter, it's just that your professional ability should be qualified, you can knock over a wine glass when you serve a dish?"

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