Chapter 31

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"Wrong mind?"

"Don't pretend here. When I left just now, I heard it clearly. Did you force someone else's child?" Mr. Zhang entrusted him to take care of him. He couldn't let Tang Qu be tortured like this with him A wolf with a big tail took it away, and besides, Tang Qu is such an obedient child, followed Guan Yan, isn't this a flower stuck on that thing!

Director Chen didn't feel at all that Guan Yan was the dream lover of thousands of boys and girls.

"What do newcomers like who just joined the industry?" Guan Yan didn't answer Director Chen's question, but asked something irrelevant.

Director Chen was stunned: "You still said that you didn't have any wrong thoughts about him!" But he still said: "A child who has just entered the circle must yearn for a big stage and a big production."

Guan Yan nodded, and when Director Chen got out of the car, Guan Yan said softly: "I never said that I didn't have feelings for him."

Director Chen was in a mess by himself, what was Guan Yan's identity, what was Tang Qu's identity, if Tang Qu rebelled against Guan Yan, wouldn't it be equivalent to blocking his own road? He saw that although Tang Qu was gentle, he was definitely not a weak and manipulable temperament.

Forget it, Guan Yan is not a fool, at least for the sake of him and Zhang Lao, he won't mess around... right?

After returning home, Tang Qu still couldn't figure out why Guan Yan suddenly offered him an olive branch. It stands to reason that the meeting between the two would not be so tense, nor should it be so peaceful. The other party even wanted to sign him.

After tossing and turning in ** for a long time, Tang Qu still picked up his phone, called up the search box, and searched for Guan Yan's studio.

I don’t know if I don’t search, I’m startled when I search, Guan Yan’s studio has not signed anyone at all, which means that if he signs him, all Guan Yan’s resources will be tilted towards him, Tang Qu is really stupid now , A superstar wants to sign a small transparent, this is simply a joke, okay? !

Tang Qu couldn't help but wonder if it was Guan Yan who went into the water today, otherwise how could he say such crazy words?

Tang Qu didn't take this matter to heart, maybe Guan Yan just had it on a whim, and it was not good for him to care too much.

Today is Tang Qu's last scene, and it is also the day when "Devil Soul" starts broadcasting.

The crew members are not worried about the ratings. Director Chen is the chief director, and the leading actors of the crew are popular. Coupled with the acting skills of Tang Qu, a newcomer, this drama will explode no matter how you look at it.

"Cut!" With the director's voice, Tang Qu's last scene in the crew ended.

Director Chen watched the replay, and once again felt that he was lucky to meet Tang Qu. After all the shooting, only Tang Qu was shot to the end, and he never NG. Are the newcomers now so scary?

As soon as Tang Qu played, Yu Ting came over, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand: "Xiao Qu, happy ending!"

Although the shooting cycle is long, Tang Qu doesn't have many roles, and he exists more in the narration of the people in the play.

Tang Qu took the flowers: "Thank you Brother Yu."

Director Chen also came over: "Here, I personally wrapped you a red envelope for the finale, happy finale, thank you for your hard work, and then you can have a good rest."

To be able to get the red envelope for the finale from Director Chen himself is the treatment he valued for the lead actor, which shows how much he values ​​Tang Qu.

"Thank you, Director Chen, for your guidance during this time."

Director Chen waved his hand: "It's all trivial things, Xiao Qu, what are you going to do when this drama is over?"

"There is no specific plan for the time being, and I may take a break for a while, and I will start school soon, so I still focus on my studies."

"Study is really important, but you still have to pay more attention to practice." Director Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Tang Qu to go back to class after taking a break. Shouldn't he strike while the iron is hot, accept some endorsements, or accept some other scripts? He doesn't look like Tang Qu's company doesn't value Tang Qu.

"Well, I will."

Yu Ting did not expect that Tang Qu would choose to rest after filming a movie, and he was a little worried, for fear that Tang Qu had been wronged. Although Yu Ting was a cool guy on the outside, he was a fool on the inside.

"Xiao Qu, if you have been wronged in any way, you can tell me that someone in your company bullies you, and I can still help you vent your anger."

Tang Qu was stunned, where did this go?

"Teacher Yu's words mean that Tang Qu was wronged by following me?" Zhang Yong appeared out of nowhere.

Hearing this voice, Yu Ting flinched uncomfortably. Obviously Zhang Yong looked very ordinary, and there were a lot of such ordinary brokers in the circle, but for some reason, when he heard his voice, he subconsciously thought To back off.

At the same time, a dark color flashed across Director Chen's eyes.

"Brother Yong, stop teasing Brother Yu."

Zhang Yong smiled, narrowed his eyes, and looked very kindly: "Mr. Yu, don't worry, your master will never suffer any grievances by following me."

The stagnation of just that second seemed to not exist.

"Director Chen, then I will take Tang Qu away first."

After the two left, Yu Ting breathed a sigh of relief: "Director Chen, is Xiaoqu's manager reliable? Why do I seem to delay Tang Qu a bit?" Such a good seedling will not develop well.

Director Chen smiled: "Is he good? If he is not good, there will be no one in this circle."

Yu Ting's eyes widened. Who is this Zhang Yong? His impression was that he didn't have any information about this person.

Director Chen patted Yu Ting: "You have to work hard, otherwise you may have to look up to Tang Qu in the future." Director Chen's words had no other meaning, just stating an objective fact.

Tang Qu's own terrifying acting talent, coupled with Zhang Yong's bonus, his future is limitless.

And Zhang Yong, who was so highly regarded by Director Chen, was sitting in the co-pilot with a cigarette in his hand, looking very dickish.

"Xiao Qu, I heard what you said just now. You said you want to continue studying at school?"

"Well, I don't want to fall behind in my studies, as long as I have it at work, I don't need to be too radical." He doesn't have any idea of ​​becoming famous now, he just wants to save some money. As for the reason why he can say this so easily now is because of this time The company gave him almost all the remuneration.

Zhang Yong took a puff of cigarette, and then exhaled a smoke ring: "Okay."

Du Yan listened to what Tang Qu said, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes: "Brother Qu, don't you want to develop further?"

She didn't understand, with Tang Qu's strength and EQ, what was waiting for him must be a bright road, why did he choose to stop at this time?

That's right, in Du Yan's view, Tang Qu is ruining his own future. The speed of the entertainment industry is changing in the blink of an eye. Although Tang Qu's current drama is the third male, she has a hunch that it will definitely explode. For a moment, if you concentrate on your studies and don't do business at this time, isn't that just ruining your own future?

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Tang Qu said softly: "If you want to stay in the entertainment circle for a long time, you need too many things, and I still lack something."

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