Chapter 17 The official actor's first non-commercial selfie

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When Tang Qu's topic became popular, the members of the crew looked at Tang Qu with more or less pity.

Everyone has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and it is obvious that Tang Qu was framed by someone.

Before Tang Qu officially entered the entertainment circle, someone hacked him. Now that the show has not started yet, someone hacked him again, saying that he didn't offend anyone. They didn't believe it, but they didn't know who Tang Qu offended.

The rest of the crew was waiting and watching, but Director Chen secretly took a look at Tang Qu, with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

Not chaotic in the face of danger, this is the Qingxuan he likes.

The hot search over there is very fast.

Many netizens looked confused,

[Who is this Tang Qu? Top searches every three days? 】

[Who else can it be, just a piece of rubbish that wants to be popular]

[Still rubbing against that person's enthusiasm, and don't look at your own virtue]

[Nowadays people really can do anything just to be famous]

[No way, no way, no one really thinks that imitating the actor is the actor himself]

[This kind of person who relies on imitating others to get out of the circle actually has a show, so doesn't it mean that my pigs can also act? 】

There are all kinds of ugly things on the Internet.

The person who swiped Weibo with a tablet in a certain VIP waiting room saw this comment, frowned, and then silently clicked the report. Then he logged out of his account and kicked the manager next to him.

"Ancestor, are you thirsty or hungry?" Jiang Ge quickly looked at his artist, who was his ancestor.

Artists from other families are obedient and dare not quarrel with their managers, but this arrogant one from his family can't do it, but what can he do, let's get used to it, who will let him be the actor?

Brother Jiang, are you sure it's not for the latest laptop?

Guan Yan stretched out his hand: "Give me the phone."

Jiang Ge was puzzled. While holding the phone, he said, "What do you need the phone for?"

Guan Yan has two mobile phones, one for personal use and one for his work. This mobile phone is usually used to post work Weibo or something. Throughout the year, Guan Yan rarely uses it twice.

Guan Yan didn't speak, just took the phone, fiddled with it twice, and then returned it to Jiang Ge.

He was just about to see what his ancestors did, but the assistant came over: "Brother Guan, Brother Jiang, it's time for us to board the plane."

Jiang Ge put away his phone when he heard what his assistant said, Guan Yan wouldn't do anything serious anyway.

However, Jiang Ge knew too little about his artists.

When they got off the plane, Jiang Ge's legs were numb from the vibration of his mobile phone.

When he turned on his phone, he lived up to expectations, and saw a push message, #官影帝First Non-Business Selfie#, Jiang Ge's hand trembled, and he clicked in hastily. There was a bright red hot word behind the topic.

After clicking on it, it was Guan Yan’s Weibo, the copywriting was simple and rude, just the word selfie, and then a big picture was a photo taken in the waiting room just now, it looked like it was taken casually, without composition or deliberate retouching , but Jiang Ged admits that he is still handsome, but: "Brother Guan! Can you discuss it with me for such a big thing?!"

Their team had previously discussed with Guan Yan whether they should post some selfies as a fan benefit. What did this man say at the time? Why did such a boring thing become a fan benefit, and then Guan Yan became the only male actor with over 100 million fans but no selfie.

Now this man did such a big thing without any preparation!

"They're all discussing my selfie?" Guan Yan stopped and turned to Jiang Ge.

Jiang Ge rolled his big eyes: "That's right, the official actor, can you have a little self-consciousness that you are a top-notch, and you posted a selfie so suddenly?"

Guan Yan got his own answer, so he stopped listening to Jiang Ge's nagging: "Everyone is talking about me, isn't that enough? Isn't this a good thing?"

Jiang Ge paused, it was true to say so, but he always felt that something was wrong, as if he had suddenly obtained something he had coveted for a long time, and it felt very unreal.

Guan Yan's selfie naturally attracted a lot of attention on the Internet. Originally, there were all kinds of topics, but once Guan Yan's selfie was posted, all discussions became Guan Yan's discussion, and other topics were basically in the same place. a state of stagnation.

Countless fans went to Guan Yan's Weibo to repeatedly confirm that the man who posted the selfie was really Guan Yan? !

【Mom! I'm promising, I actually squatted down to Guan Yan's selfie! 】

[Good guy, official actor, have your account been hacked! 】

[Officials! Live officials! 】

[The identity of the concubine has been determined countless times! No commercials, pure selfies! 】

[Save, this is my old lady's dead wallpaper, unless...unless the official sends another one! 】

[Now that we have the first one, can the future be far behind! 】

[Officer, fan welfare, look at your poor ladies! 】

[The camera technology needs to be improved, but I will not tell you that the screen I have already licked is flooded! 】

[The upstairs is trying to laugh me to death, inherit my credit card! 】

The fans had a great time building the building.

Tang Qu was also scrolling through Weibo, when he suddenly paused and refreshed, he was surprised by the bright red explosive words, only to realize that it was Guan Yan who posted the selfie.

By accident, I clicked in.

Tang Qu looked at the picture. The man didn't deliberately look for an angle, but the lazy posture was even more attractive. Once again, he felt that it was really a standard feature of a novel's male protagonist. Those exquisite facial features and arrogant eyes, through the screen I want people to kneel and lick.

After moving his fingers, Tang Qu finally saved it, and then comforted himself, everyone has a love for beauty.

Just after saving the photo, Zhang Yong came over, and Tang Qu frantically turned off his phone in fright, but after a few seconds, he realized again, why did he act like a guilty conscience!


"Brother Yong, what's the matter?"

"You're lucky today, Guan Yan didn't know what was going on, and suddenly posted a selfie, which took away most of the traffic, and your entry naturally went down, and everyone who bought the trending search today will probably be ashamed Die." Zhang Yong laughed happily at the side, he didn't know what happened to the official actor, but he was very happy to see this situation.

Tang Qu opened Weibo again, and it turned out that almost all the hot searches were related to Guan Yan, and it was almost invisible to others.

Zhang Yong admired from the side: "It is worthy of being the chosen son who was selected by the hot search."

Tang Qu was puzzled.

"Oh, you may not pay much attention to it. As long as Guan Yan has an event, he is basically the most popular search in the past few days, and even some old entries can be turned up. So far, no one has been able to learn from Guan Yan's hot search. Search for a share of the pie."

On the other side, Jiang Ge took a sip of his coffee. Since Guan Yan posted selfies, he, as an agent, naturally had to operate to the maximum effect. Sorry babies, today's trending searches are all from our official actor.

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