Chapter 103 The winner of Best Actor is...

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In the official house, Tang Qu naturally didn't sleep until too late and woke up early.

"Boss, get up soon!"

Guan Yan really couldn't stand his little troublemaker, so he also got up early.

When I went downstairs, there was no one in the living room, only Mrs. Guan was reading a book.

"Auntie, good morning."

Mrs. Guan put down the book and looked at the two of them: "Xiao Qu, you woke up, why don't you sleep a little longer, are you still used to it here?" Then she glanced at Guan Yan lightly: "It's strange, when did you get up so early? ?”

Guan Yan sat on the sofa: "You care about me?"

The official wife was so angry that she threw the book in her hand over: "How did you talk to your mother?"

Guan Yan took the book: "I've been talking to you like this for so many years, you're still not used to it? "On the Self-cultivation of a Celebrity", why are you still reading this book? The people in it are too pretentious, Not for you."

The mutual hatred between Mrs. Guan and Guan Yan is basically a daily routine.

Mrs. Guan was so angry that she wished she could kick her son out immediately. He looks good, but why did he just grow a mouth.

No one in their family speaks so viciously.

Before, Tang Qu would help to persuade a few words, but later he found out that this is the daily life of the mother and son, and it will be abnormal if they don't fight each other someday.

For example, his mouth was merciless, but Tang Qu assured that Mrs. Guan must have ordered the kitchen to prepare Guan Yan's favorite food for breakfast today.

Not long after the two of them went downstairs, other people also got up one after another. Today is not a rest day, and they still have work to do.

While eating, Guan Yan said to Mrs. Guan, "We'll be back in a while."

"So fast? You should at least have lunch before leaving."

"Is anyone as idle as you and doesn't need to work?"

Mrs. Guan rolled her eyes: "I'm happy if I'm free, don't think I don't know, Xiaoqu's current contract is in your hands, if you dare to oppress him, it's up to me to deal with you."

"I squeezed him? He squeezed me pretty much."

The more he said the more outrageous, Tang Qu kicked Guan Yan under the table, Guan Yan was in pain, and immediately shut up.

Guan Ling looked at Guan Yan: "You really are doing captive breeding."

Guan Yan was proud: "Xiao Qu is happy, besides, those people in the entertainment industry, which one is more reliable than me."

Tang Qu was eating porridge in silence, but when he heard this, he suddenly said to Mrs. Guan, "I suddenly feel that I should think again."

Everyone at the table except Guan Yan laughed, oh, the kids are so funny!

Before leaving, Mrs. Guan still did not forget to ask Guan Yan to take care of Tang Qu more, and let Tang Qu come to the house to play when he has nothing to do.

She understood Tang Qu's family, growing up in such an environment, it was not easy to develop her current temperament.

On the way back, I happened to encounter a red light, Guan Yan tilted his head and looked at Tang Qu: "What do you mean think again?"

Tang Qu didn't expect Guan Yan to hold grudges like this: "Why are you so narrow-minded, I just said it casually."

Guan Yan rubbed his chin: "But I take it to heart, think about how to coax me."

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