Chapter 5 Bow to reality

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Although things are messed up on the Internet now, Tang Qu is not in the mood to take care of it for the time being. First of all, Tang Qu's previous performances did imitate Guan Yan. If he is said to be a fan of Guan Yan at this time, it will only make people The misunderstanding is deepening. People like Tang Qu are not really stepping into the entertainment circle at all. The best way to deal with such things is to deal with them coldly, and the popularity of the Internet will slowly fade.

In addition, Tang Qu actually had another idea. Although he replaced the original body now, he had no intention of continuing to stay in the entertainment industry.

He has filmed too many scenes before, almost all of his time is spent on filming, and now he finally has this "stolen" life, and he wants to do things that he didn't have time to do before.

It's not that Tang Qu doesn't like acting. He likes acting very much. To interpret different lives can give him different happiness. But now Tang Qu, who has experienced life and death, has encountered a bottleneck. His acting skills have been perfected, but Tang Qu always feels that There is something missing in his own play, although he is now wearing the shell of a rookie, his acting skills are enough to make him shine as a rookie, but he doesn't want to do this, he acts to satisfy himself, not for Those false names.

Sighing, take the time to clarify with Brother Zhang, he has no plans to step into the entertainment circle for the time being, whether he terminates the contract or hides him in the snow, he will accept it.

Tang Qu is still vague about the future, he has taken over Tang Qu's life in a daze, and has no clear plans for the future. But he probably won't be in the entertainment industry in the short term.

Stretching out his body, leaning on the sofa, Tang Qu looked at the ceiling, lost in thought.

In the end, Tang Qu thought for a long time and decided to let nature take its course. Isn't he still a student now? Not in a hurry.

On the weekend, Tang Qu sat obediently in the co-pilot, and a burly man was driving next to him. This is a bit of an exaggeration, but in fact, his upper body is a little stronger, which gives people a very strong feeling. And this person is none other than Tang Qu's manager, Zhang Yong, Brother Zhang.

At this time, Brother Zhang was taking Tang Qu to visit the acting teacher.

Don't ask why Tang Qu didn't terminate the contract with Brother Zhang, it's because Tang Qu found out that he has no money!

Tang Qu opened the bank card to check the balance that day, Tang Qu was a little ashamed to say it, he didn't expect that the dignified actor would worry about money one day.

In the end, after struggling again and again, Tang Qu still bowed his head to the reality. It is hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. What kind of poems and distant places is he talking about as a penniless and poor student?

Tang Qu didn't have any hope for the original body's adoptive parents. It had been a long time without a phone call. If he hadn't come, they probably wouldn't have found out when Tang Qu's body rotted.

"Xiao Qu, you don't need to be nervous, Mr. Zhang is very kind." Seeing that Tang Qu has been silent, Brother Zhang thought he was nervous because he kept a tense posture all the time.

"Okay, I'll try to relax myself." But in fact, Tang Qu was just letting go, and his body was subconsciously put in the best posture, because he used to live in the spotlight for almost 24 hours.

"Here we go, let's get out of the car."

Tang Qu got out of the car first, and stood at the door waiting for Brother Zhang to park the car.

When Zhang Yong parked the car, he unintentionally glanced out of the car window, and suddenly became dazed.

Zhang Yong has always thought that Tang Qu is a person in the entertainment industry, but the appearance of Tang Qu he saw before was lacking in aura, but now Tang Qu just stands there and Zhang Yong feels that Tang Qu has the potential to become top-notch.

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