Chapter 95 Teach Your Lover to Green Yourself

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Tang Qu came back this time because he had been on the set for a long time, and he and Guan Yan hadn't seen each other for nearly a month.

Although I often watch videos, but I can't see people, I can't help but miss it.

Tang Qu actually belonged to the kind of person with abundant emotions.

But due to various reasons in life, he had to disguise himself and shrink into the small house he built, and Guan Yan was the first person to break into this house. Without Tang Qu's knowledge, Guan Yan Has become the owner of this house.

In other words, Tang Qu's hottest feelings will only belong to Guan Yan.

Even though Tang Qu seems very strong to outsiders, with the aura of holding the audience alone, in fact, the softest part of his heart is always waiting for Guan Yan.

In front of Guan Yan, he is always the most obedient one.

Naturally, Tang Qu would not express these thoughts easily, and the crew did not notice, because Tang Qu is usually gentle and gentle, always with a smile on his face, and his appearance will soothe all the irritability in his heart.

Tang Qu seems to be perfect.

But the crew did not expect that Tang Qu would suddenly have a problem in the past few days before the finale.

The reason is this.

The role played by Tang Qu can be regarded as one person playing two roles. At the end of the story, the rich second generation played by Qi Ze has already fallen in love with his younger sister, and he did not hesitate to pay the price of his life. Now the scene to be filmed is the rich second generation dying. that scene.

In this scene, Tang Qu was still dressed as his younger sister. He kept this secret from the whole story, but he didn’t know that the rich second generation had actually discovered it long ago. He didn’t say it all the time because he found that no matter whether it was his brother who was a bit cold and teased, Or Gao Leng's younger sister is the one he likes.

And if this scene is to be performed well, it is an explosion of emotion.

After filming several times, Director Zhang always felt that it was almost meaningless.

Tang Qu and Qi Ze also watched the replay.

Tang Qu understood that there was nothing wrong with Qi Ze this time, it was his problem.

It's just that he can feel the incongruity, but he just can't say it.

As an experienced director, Director Zhang can naturally discover some clues. If it is another actor, he may tell him on the spot, and then let him perform in the style he wants.

But now it was Tang Qu in front of him, he didn't want to do this, he wanted Tang Qu to find out the problem by himself.

Tang Qu's aura and acting skills are the best among all the actors he has seen so far.

Tang Qu broke through this hurdle by himself, and his future achievements are limitless, and there is basically nothing that will stump him on the road of interpretation.

Looking at those replays, Tang Qu had no choice but to apologize to Director Zhang and said, "Sorry, Director Zhang, can we suspend shooting today, I'm not in a good state."

If it was someone else, even if the director didn't say anything, the staff of the crew would complain a few words, but if this matter was put on Tang Qu, there would be no problem at all.

After so many days of getting along, they already knew what kind of person Tang Qu was, and because of Tang Qu, their progress was much faster, and a delay of one or two days was nothing to them.

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