Chapter 180 Wedding

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The movie was being released in full swing, but Tang Qu and Guan Yan didn't have the time to care about it.

The two are preparing for their wedding recently, and they are busy from morning to night. To be precise, the entire official family and Yi family are busy.

First of all, there are differences on the form of the wedding.

Some people advocate Western-style weddings, because such weddings are more suitable for young people, while some people think that traditional weddings should be held, which is more grand.

Just about the format of the wedding, everyone discussed it for two days, but there was still no result. In the end, it was Guan Yan who made the final decision.

"Have a traditional wedding."

In fact, this was also the result of discussions between Tang Qu and Guan Yan.

The form of the wedding has been settled, and only the supplies for the wedding are left.

The two families demand excellence, and all supplies must be the best.

If the wedding wants to be really exquisite, the things to be prepared are not simple.

The hardware facilities are prepared by the elders of the two families.

But there are still some things that need to be prepared by the couple themselves, and that is the etiquette at the wedding.

Since they chose the traditional wedding ceremony, they had to follow those. In order to ensure the best results, they almost copied the previous wedding ceremony perfectly, so Tang Qu and Guan Yan still have a lot of etiquette to learn recently.

At night Tang Qu was lying on the bed, with a troubled expression on his face: "I feel that learning etiquette is more tiring than making me act."

Guan Yan squeezed his shoulders and comforted him: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, they are just too excited."

Both Guan Yan and Tang Qu felt that the elders were much more excited than the two of them who were about to get married.

Day by day, Tang Qu and Guan Yan's etiquette became more and more decent, and the wedding scene and everything else was almost the same.

That leaves one last question.

Whose family sees off the relatives and whoever welcomes the relatives.

Marriage between a man and a man is different from marriage between a man and a woman, and it needs to be discussed.

But this question is not difficult for Tang Qu and Guan Yan, they have already decided.

In fact, Tang Qu didn't have that kind of machismo, besides, he gave Guan Yan a child, so would he care about it?

So the final decision was to welcome Guan Yan.

But Guan Yan didn't expect that the two of them would be separated the day before the wedding.

Guan Yan frowned and looked at the elders of the two families: "We have lived for so long, and Xiao Qu has to take care of Nian Nian."

"This is a rule that cannot be changed at will. Besides, Nian Nian still has us to take care of it."

Guan Yan couldn't say a word from his mother, but Guan Yan just didn't want Tang Qu to leave.

In the end, Tang Qu persuaded Guan Yan for a long time before he reluctantly agreed.

After that, Tang Qu followed the Yi family back to the Yi family.

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