Chapter 144 It's Not Just Alcohol That's Intoxicating

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After Guan Yan confirmed this matter, he began to search for some knowledge about pregnancy, especially in terms of food, and asked the master specifically, and learned some dishes.

However, there are many contraindications during pregnancy.

Guan Yan recorded them all.

Because I really didn't expect Tang Qu to come back today, so there was no food prepared at home, so Guan Yan called his assistant to bring some.

The assistant was overjoyed when he received the news.

What does it mean that the boss asked him to deliver the food?

This shows that the mood of the boss is about to be very beautiful.

Although it's the Spring Festival holiday, how can people like them rest if the boss doesn't rest?

In order to get a high salary, it is natural to endure some things.

Although Guan Yan is not a harsh person to his subordinates, his mood will still affect his subordinates.

Whenever Tang Qu is not at home, or Tang Qu is not around, that face is so gloomy that it is impossible to look at it.

Now that Tang Qu is back, their good days are coming.

The assistant came to deliver the food, and smelling the porridge in the room, he was even more sure that the proprietress was back, and he was going to share this news worthy of universal celebration with everyone.

Guan Yan looked at the dishes brought by his assistant, thought for a while, and finally decided what to eat tonight.

When Guan Yan was halfway through his preparations, he checked the time and decided to wake Tang Qu up.

After all, it's so late, if you go to sleep, you won't be able to sleep well at night.

"Baby, wake up." Guan Yan's voice was soft, not wanting to scare Tang Qu.

Unable to resist Guan Yan's gentle attack, Tang Qu struggled a few times, but still woke up.

"Hmm~ I don't want to get up."

Guan Yan's finger slipped down on Tang Qu's neck, and then slid back and forth.

Tang Qu woke up in an instant, and his neck was his sensitive spot.

If you move it a little bit, it will itch.

"Don't mess with me, can't I get up!"

"Let me go."

Finally, amidst Tang Qu's begging for mercy, Guan Yan let Tang Qu go.

After Tang Qu packed up and came out, he was completely awake.

"What's for dinner?"

Tang Qu walked from the bedroom to the kitchen and saw that Guan Yan seemed to be stirring the pot.

It happened that the porridge cooked by Guan Yan was ready, he took a spoonful, blew on it, and handed it to Tang Qu's mouth: "Taste it."

Tang Qu took a sip without thinking, and then frowned tightly: "Why does it taste so weird?" But Tang Qu felt a familiar smell, but he just couldn't remember it.

Guan Yan also took a spoonful of it, and it tasted really bad. This was the first time Guan Yan's culinary skills were overturned in a long time.

Tang Qu noticed the loneliness in Guan Yan's eyes, and patted Guan Yan lightly.

"Actually, except for the first bite, it seems to have a good aftertaste."

Guan Yan put the spoon back and smiled: "Are you comforting me?"

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