Chapter 145 My Dear Boss

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Tang Qu woke up in the morning and subconsciously touched the place next to him. This time he was not disappointed, and Tang Qu felt at ease when he felt the temperature next to him.

Now Guan Yan is familiar with Tang Qu's movements, and knows that the people beside him have woken up.

"woke up?"

Tang Qu slowly opened his eyes: "Well, what time is it?"

"It's only eight o'clock, and I can sleep a little longer."

Tang Qu opened his eyes suddenly: "Is it already eight o'clock? I made an appointment with Brother Yong yesterday to come home at nine o'clock today."

Guan Yan grabbed Tang Qu: "Don't be so nervous, it's the manager and not someone else."

That's what I said, but let Brother Yong see that he is still sleeping in bed at this time, and then look at his body shape, he will be furious.

Finally, under Tang Qu's strong request, the two got up anyway.

Although Guan Yan advised Tang Qu not to get up early, he had already prepared breakfast for the two of them.

Tang Qu waited for Zhang Yong while having breakfast.

"What are you going to talk about today?"

"Tell me about the recent arrangements. By the way, let's arrange the advertisement. You can shoot at any time, but I can't."

After a period of time, if my figure changes, I won't be able to shoot commercials.

Guan Yan nodded: "You can work a little earlier, but don't be too tired."

"My dear boss, I'm right under your nose, don't you know if I'm tired or not."

Moreover, Tang Qu only found out yesterday that Guan Yan asked Zhang Yong to arrange bodyguards for him, under the guise of protecting his safety.

To be honest, Tang Qu now has the illusion that he cherishes and protects animals.

After Zhang Yong came in the morning, he saw Tang Qu eating fruit comfortably on the sofa, while Guan Yan was washing dishes in the kitchen.

Zhang Yong had to admire Tang Qu's courage.

"Brother Yong, let's go to the study to talk." Tang Qu and Zhang Yong went to the study, Guan Yan glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

"Brother Yong, what time is the shooting time of the smoke dew set?"

"It was originally said to be early next month, but yesterday I received another notice from them and wanted to set the time in ten days."

Tang Qu nodded, and then thought that the only person who could change the shooting time of Yanlu was probably Guan Yan.

"Originally, several scripts were arranged for the next year, but now, judging by your situation, it should be impossible to shoot, but your popularity can't go down either."

Although Tang Qu is a powerful faction, in the current society, maybe in just a few days, a person who is red and purple can become uninterested in an instant.

Tang Qu also knows this, although he doesn't care much about these things, but now he has someone who cares, and if he wants to get closer to that person, he must care about these things.

"Brother Yong, do you have any arrangements?"

"The initial idea is to post your video during this period first, and then arrange a live broadcast to interact with fans. As for variety shows, I think it's better to avoid them for the time being. With your current physical condition, no matter what variety show you are on, it is very dangerous. . " When he said the last sentence "Hua", Zhang Yong's expression changed obviously.

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