Chapter 45

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Although Zhang Yong and Du Yan were worried, they couldn't let go of this opportunity. During this time, Zhang Yong and Jiang Ge communicated the details.

When they got the contract, Zhang Yong immediately put his worries about Guan Yan behind him. Holding Guan Yan's thigh was so comfortable, at least ten years of struggle would be saved.

Because the filming is not in a hurry, Tang Qu has been catching up with the progress of "Three Years" recently.

The current scene has captured the original scene of the script.

Taking off his glasses, his hair was slightly longer, and after styling, Tang Qu instantly became a handsome school bully.

This time the shooting was on real scene, the school bully bullied the little girl and even followed the little girl.

Ning Wei walked in front, frowning slightly, completely different from the school bully first sister, from time to time she wanted to look back at the demon she had encountered since she arrived in middle school.

But in my mind, I can think of what that person said in my ear: "If you dare to look back, I will strip you naked in school."

Thinking of this, Ning Wei's hands tightened the buttons of her jacket, how could there be such a naughty person in this world, and she just ran into him.

Tang Qu was walking behind, with his school uniform on his body, and he walked very casually, but he was not like a bum on the street, but revealed a kind of modesty.

Seeing this, the director frowned, and turned his head to look at Bian Lin. After all, Bian Lin will play the leading roles in this drama. Whether it works or not depends on Bian Lin's feelings.

And Bian Lin held the coffee cup and didn't speak.

Before choosing Tang Qu, he was actually a little worried, because the protagonist is actually not that easy to control, the gap between the school bully and the cowardly boy, and this boy is not an ordinary person, this is the reason why he chose Tang Qu, Tang Qu In his bones, he could see a ruthlessness, just like the protagonist, the huge change that took place after the girl left.

Seeing that Lin Bian didn't speak, the director continued. He actually felt that this was just right. After all, if the male protagonist didn't have such a sense of disobedience, how could such a big change happen in the later stage.

Everything is traceable.

Because shooting outdoors today must have attracted the attention of passers-by, and a bunch of people had already gathered outside.

"Who are all the people on the periphery?" The staff of the film crew watched more and more people around, fearing that it would cause bad influence.

"Some of them are passers-by, but most of them should be fans who received the news. The order is not bad, and it should not affect the shooting."

"Well, remember to be careful, don't cause too much impact on the people around you."

Tang Qu finished filming his own part, stepped out of the camera, and noticed many people around, including many young girls, obediently standing outside the cordon.

The group of girls immediately became excited when they saw Tang Qu and waved to Tang Qu.

Tang Qu was startled.

"That's your fan, Brother Qu." Du Yan held an umbrella for Tang Qu and said in a low voice.

Du Yan originally thought that Tang Qu would be very excited, but she didn't seem to be that pretty when she saw Tang Qu's face.

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