Chapter 133 It's getting harder and harder to serve

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When Tang Qu woke up, things on the Internet hadn't calmed down.

Tang Qu browsed briefly, and then browsed to Guan Yan's Weibo.

If others don't know what Guan Yan means, how can he still be unclear?

After getting out of bed, Tang Qu went to get his suitcase. Because of the fainting incident yesterday, he didn't have time to pack the suitcase, although there was nothing in it.

At the bottom of the suitcase, there is a gift box. If you look carefully, you can see that the corner of the gift box is very similar to the photo taken by Guan Yan.

Looking at the box, Tang Qu's face was obviously a little abnormal. He took the box and planned to put it in the innermost part of the cabinet, but after thinking about it, he put it outside again.

Then he slammed the cabinet shut.

Leaning against the cabinet door, he patted his face.

Then go to the bathroom to wash up.

People in the Yi family prefer to keep healthy, and everyone gets up very early.

When Tang Qu went downstairs, everyone was already in the living room.

Seeing Tang Qu coming down, Yi Wan hurriedly walked towards Tang Qu: "Did you sleep well last night? Is there anything wrong with your body?"

Yi Wan cared more about Tang Qu's body than Tang Qu herself.

Tang Qu shook his head: "I slept well, and there is nothing wrong with my body."

"That's good."

Seeing that Tang Qu was in good spirits, Mr. Yi felt relieved.

"Let's have breakfast together. After breakfast, you can go shopping together, Xiaowan, and you can relax by the way."

Mr. Yi loves his grandson as much as he loves his daughter.

Recently, because of Tang Qu's incident, Yi Wan hasn't had a peaceful night's sleep for several days.

"Auntie, do you want me to say hello to the mall?"

Yi Wan waved her hand: "No need. Just say hello, I won't be able to go shopping properly today."

It is really beneficial for them to go shopping, but there are also many inconveniences.

After breakfast, after a brief tidying up, the driver took Tang Qu and Yi Wan to the mall in the city center.

Yi Wan walked into the shopping mall with Tang Qu on her arm.

Yi Wan looks young, and her height is not low, so she is just a good match when walking with Tang Qu.

Although Tang Qu was wearing a mask, his aura couldn't be concealed, and the two of them gained a lot of attention along the way.

Yi Wan's goal was very clear, and she took Tang Qu directly to the clothing area.

Ms. Yi has the demeanor of a domineering female president. When she sees any beautiful clothes, she doesn't let Tang Qu try them on, and she doesn't care about the price, so she just asks the waiter to wrap them up.

Soon, all the waiters on this floor knew that a beautiful lady brought a handsome guy to sweep the goods.

When seeing the two of them, everyone laughed like a flower.

Tang Qu had to sigh that women's shopping ability is really amazing.

However, something happened in the middle that caught Tang Qu's attention.

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