𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘵

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One year later

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One year later.

"Oh my God! What's with all the shouting!? I'm trying to study for the Biology exam we have tomorrow!"

"Your Dad threatened to fire me from being Robin!"

"You did what!?" I yelled, separating Bruce and Dick. "Bruce! What the hell!?"

"He was acting careless and-"

"I saved your life! Mae and I would've been planning a funeral if I didn't push you away!" Dick defended. "And you can't fire me from my thing. I created Robin, not you!"

I sighed, pulling out my phone and texted Wally.

Wall <3

They're at it again

Dick and Batman?
What is it this time?

Same old

I'll spend the night tomorrow to calm him down
But you need to put a leash on your boyfriend pls
I think he has rabies

He does
Time for his weekly flea bath as well.
It's Sunday

This is why we're friends

Best friends ;)

"Okay, enough before you two kill each other!" I yelled, pushing them away again and turned to Dick. "You go take a shower and eat something. You should also expect a call from Wally in fifteen minutes exactly. I'll help you review soon."

"How do-"

"And you!" I turned to Bruce who widened his eyes. "You're a grown man arguing with a literal teenager! Have some self respect, Bruce!"

"Why must you always get involved?" Bruce huffed, removing his cowl and I scoffed.

"Hey, it's not my fault I came to the Cave to study because Alfred's vacuuming and listening to his music. And you two are always at each other's throats, so someone has to step in."

"You know everything for tomorrow?" He asked, completely changing the subject.


"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Don't change the subject."

"Maeve, I don't have time to-"

"Look, you're still annoyed that you can't figure out what happened in the sixteen hours you people were offline, but get over it!" I yelled exasperated and grabbed my books. "I'll patrol with you tomorrow... I don't have Team business and Dick has some mathlete stuff. Plus, Wally is spending the night tomorrow and he'll Zeta in the morning for school."

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