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"Slow down or you'll fall, Domino

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"Slow down or you'll fall, Domino."

"I swear if I'm not ten centimeters dilated when I get to the hospital, I'm doing all of this again because this is just fucking ridiculous."

"I still don't understand how you can be doing this while in active labor." Wally sighed and I glared. "I know, I know... but you're basically not human anymore because that pain tolerance is insane!"

"Go back to the Speed Force. I'm tired of your sass already." I chuckled and turned to the wreckage in front of me. "Oh my God... M'gann!"

"Sorry! It's not as bad as it looks!" M'gann exclaimed, diminishing the illusion and gasped. "Wally? Is it-"

"Really me? Oh, definitely. Mae slapped me to prove I'm here." Wally smiled and hugged her. "It's a lot to catch up on and clearly we have no time because we need to speed this up so someone can get to a hospital and give birth to our niece."

"You're in labor!? And you're hurt!?"

"Rogue Kryptonian tried to hurt Mae so naturally I stepped in which resulted in me getting slapped. He might've killed me, but I rolled with it. Gave the drama queen over here the opportunity to give the performance of a lifetime and worthy of an Oscar." Dick waved it off and I sheepishly shrugged. "Forehead bleeds look bad but they aren't. It's an old wrestling trick I learned from Mae when we started out."

"Then you slowed your pulse to fake your death!"

"An old Batman trick that I haven't been able to master yet because it gives me PTSD to when I died so I let the dramatic one do it... and Zee confirmed it, I'm currently in active labor and fell like I'm about to die from the pressure down there." I added.

"But how are you here in the first place?"

"The original Team and us went to this place called the Phantom Zone to get Connor. Dickbird and I followed the Boomtube here and Wally showed up just a few moments after."

"We followed the Tube here too! Only we were struck by the Emerald Empress and that strange eye of hers. Saturn Girl sent a last second warning. Clark and Orion stepped forward to take the burnt of the blast, giving us the time to create the illusion." M'gann explained and I nodded impressed before almost being knocked over by Bart.

"Easy, Bartholomew! Currently in labor and any movements can make my water break and then we'll all be traught and whelmed." I laughed and hugged him. "But I've never been happier to see you than I am right now."

"I missed you too, den mother." Bart smiled. "Is it a boy or girl?"


"Which means I lost fifty bucks to Gar?"


"Zee just radioed me from Metropolis... Raquel's gone." Dick said and I pursed my lips. "She... she didn't make it."

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