𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘦

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a/n: haven't had a POV change in a while... here you go.

and prepare the waterworks for next chapter. i believe we all know what's coming up🫡

(no memes or graphics for this one because the app keeps crashing whenever i tried to add it, sorry.)

~Dick's POV~

"Maeve, for the last time! You're not-"

"I'll sub for her." I called out, fully suited up and ran up to Maeve when she threw up.

So far, the anti-venom's working and that's been the only side effect.

Thank God for Wally West.

"Dick, you've been in bed for days. I have my strength back, promise!" Maeve tried to reason.

"I'm traught, whelmed and feeling the aster. I'm going and you're staying in bed."

"Like hell I am, Richard!"

"Ooh, Richard and everything." Artemis smirked and grabbed the bucket with a grimace. "If I couldn't keep her in her wheelchair a few days ago, you're sure as hell not gonna keep her away from the action."

"I do not believe we could keep them both here if we tried." Kaldur laughed. "Which is why I'm going. I promised Harley and Alfred I would watch over them both."

"And since you're going-"

"I am strictly backup. As you said, Halo is your teammate. This is your team, your mission."

"Hell yeah! The OG Team back together again!" Maeve grinned and ran up to hug Kaldur. "We should do this more often... without me puking every couple of minutes and Mr. Low-Grade Fever over there borderline hallucinating."

"I'm not hallucinating!" I exclaimed.

"Babe... you thought we were home and tried to walk down the stairs instead of going up... you were in the kitchen."

"Your point?"

"Yeah... I'm keeping an eye on you, Boy Wonder." M'gann patted my shoulder and walked away.

"I'm fine!"

"Try not to walk down the stairs in the Boomtube, Grayson!" Maeve called out, rushing up the stairs to the bedrooms. "I need my guns! Be right back!"

"This is gonna be my life for the rest of my life... bullied by my wife."

"Hey, you knew what you were getting yourself into when you got on one knee." Artemis shrugged and tossed my escrima sticks over. "If you wanna run, I doubt you'll get very far... Maeve will literally kill you."

"Who am I killing?"

"Granny. When you see her, shoot to kill." Connor smirked.

"Fuck yes!"

"Huh... I always thought your murderous tendencies was because of the Venom. Turns out it's just part of your charm." He chuckled and turned to me. "Run, man. Run for the hills!"

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