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small time skip after this chapter and the beginning of season 2!

small time skip after this chapter and the beginning of season 2!

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"Please tell me you have a plan this time. Because after Louisiana, I don't think I trust you with half of a plan anymore."

"Of course I have a plan! I've been planning this since Louisiana."

"And suddenly that scares me more than anything I've ever faced before." Dick shuddered and sat next to me on the bedroom floor. "Walk me through it."

"We're getting away with murder." I said and he nodded.

"Sounds fun."

"I got word that he's still in Gotham, just hiding. He's always by Crime Alley, watching and waiting for me. So that's we're we'll start."

"And Bruce?"

"Away in Germany for a week. Tim decided to stay so he's with him and Alfred on the plane as we speak."

"Where are we gonna drag him out?"

"I spent all morning hacking the security cameras all over the city and made this." I grinned, pulling out a box from under the bed to reveal a red and black leotard with a red hood.

"Not following, babe."

"Before he became Joker, he was called Red Hood. To prevent being homeless, he made a deal with some thugs who forced him to wear this. His only problem? One bad step and he fell into a pit of acid... he lost his sanity soon after and became the Joker we know today."

"So this is-"

"An homage to his beginnings. I didn't have time to either find or make the actual helmet he used to wear, so this will have to do. But it sends the message across. The purpose of both masks is to hide my identity as much as possible."

"So no Domino?"

"No Ace either."

"And where does that leave me?" He asked as I pulled another box from under the bed. "And why do you have so much space down there!?"

"You're not Nightwing tonight, or Dick Grayson. You're gonna be a regular old thug who has a vendetta against Joker."

"I do have a vendetta against him, Mae."

"Which makes this part much easier." I smiled and opened the box to reveal a black full body suit and a mask that covers the lower half of his face. "You have an out, Dick. I won't hold it against you if you want to take it. You can stay here and watch TV or whatever while I'm out."

"Last three times I left you alone with Joker he cut up your smile, had you dangling close to a put of acid and tortured you for a week. Not to mention he killed someone in the family." He pointed out, taking the suit and walked to the bathroom and I took it as a cue to change as well. "So no, I'm not taking the out."

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