𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯

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a/n: filler chapter as I transition to season 3. apologies to any tears I caused. (i'm really not sorry.)

~Jason's POV~

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~Jason's POV~

"Batman doesn't want to train me..."

"It'll pass, blondie. Heard that conversation one to many times with the other three birds." Maeve chuckled, handing a slice of pizza to the new Robin as they both sat on the ledge of a building. "But, hey! You got your wings quicker than Red."

I should be dead, not hiding on another building trying to seek a glance at Maeve.

Why am I alive?

"Bruce wants me to give it up. Said I'm too unpredictable." The girl said and they both removed their masks.

"Heard that conversation too about Jason and his training. He'll get over it." Maeve waved it off with a small smile. "He's just on edge because I admitted to first degree murder and he's been working a mission with Hal and they hate each other."

I took off my helmet and rested my head against the shed on the roof of the building I was in, keeping myself hidden but I could still see them.

According to Talia, when I opened my eyes, the first thing I called out for was for Maeve.

I had no memories of anything, but I remembered her.

I remembered my mom.

"How was he like?"

"Just like you in so many ways. A special kid with so much potential and the desire to do something old in this forsaken city."


"Yeah, Steph?"

"I don't want Bruce to fire me... I want to keep doing this." Steph admitted and Maeve sighed. "Hear me out, please!"

"I'm not taking another Robin. My first and last was Jason. I just helped Tim when he needed it." She said, setting the now empty pizza box aside and pulled out a crowbar. "You know why I carry this around?"

"Because you killed Joker with it?"

She what?

"Yes... and because it's a constant reminder as to why I'd be a horrible mentor. I thought about trying it with Tim, but then the Knight almost killed him... I can't live through that again, Steph."

"Then don't take another Robin! I'll give it up and change my alias. But I want you to be my mentor, Maeve. Everyone on the Team says you're one of the best there is!" Steph begged and I nodded in agreement. "You took care of all them while being leader, became CEO, and took over Gotham and Blüdhaven while Bruce was off-world. You're the best there is!"

"The very best." I whispered.

I'm so fucking proud of you, Mom.


"Maeve, please. Bruce will kick me out of the family if I don't find a way to keep this." She cried and I frowned.

Typical Bruce. Taking in troubled kids but neglects the moment they start having issues.

"Steph, I can't take another one." Maeve choked out and wiped her eyes. "Not after Jason... not while Joker came back to life, God knows how, and Babs got shot. I-I-I can't!"

"Oh, Mae..." I sighed taking a glance at my helmet and pulled out a picture from my back pocket. "The dynamic duo..."

She never forgot me

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She never forgot me.

She didn't replace me.

"Maeve, I'm not trying to replace Jason. He's special to you, I understand that." Steph said and I quickly pocketed the picture. "He's the boy you saved from the streets and held him as he died, the boy you killed for... I understand that."

"That's exactly why I can't be your mentor, Steph." Maeve sighed, pulling at her hair and paced around the ledge. "I broke B's rule... I've got so much blood on my hands I could paint the town red. Who would want the Joker's daughter as their mentor?"

"I do." Steph and I said in unison.

"Hey... B's telling us to call it a night. There's no sign of Joker or the Knight anywhere." Dick said, swinging to the building with Tim trailing behind. "What's wrong, funny girl?"

"I asked her to mentor me. Bruce is bound to fire me eventually, guys... And I don't want to give this up." Steph explained.

"Bruce wants to fire you from being Robin? Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me! It's been two and a half months, for the love of God!"

"Oh, how I missed you, Dickbird." I chuckled and reached out to put on my helmet.

"You should do it." Tim shrugged and my jaw clenched. "Mae, we know nobody's gonna replace Jason and that the Robin mantle is a damn curse, which thank you for convincing me to give it up before I got shot dead by the Knight... but you should pass your knowledge to someone other than Jason."

"I passed it onto the Team." Maeve defended and I rolled my eyes. "I'm a horrible mentor!"

"Maeve, your teachings were the one thing that saved my life when I went up against the Knight, who, by the way, fights exactly like you and that slightly concerns me."


"You're a good person, Maeve."

"I killed people, Tim."

"And I just committed like six war crimes that will probably explode on my face tomorrow. Richard over here ran over Dent with his Cycle and electrocuted Scarecrow in the nuts and let's not mention what Katie did when B wasn't looking. Any argument you have is invalid."

"Ugh, fine!" Maeve yelled, slipping g on her mask and turned to Steph. "Two weeks. Turn in the cape before B fires you and create a whole new alias. Until then, you're taking over Blüdhaven with me and bird boy while I hunt down Joker and burn him at the stake. You have one chance, Stephanie Brown. Don't fucking waste it."

"Thank you, thank you!" Steph exclaimed and hugged her tight. "I won't let you down, Mae. I promise!"

"You've got this, Mom. I'll see you soon." I smiled and jumped off the building, watching Maeve laugh as I swung away. "Good luck, blondie."

I'll see my family again... but not now.

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